Almost famous :-)
Brandchannel features Martina Zavagno, founder and editor of, talking about viral marketing: �An advertising concept, in order to work in a viral perspective, needs to add value to the user�s experience. This value can be explicated in something entertaining, in something educational or in something rewarding.� Check out the article “Are you sick of viral marketing?“. Thanks to Abe Sauer
C H E E R S ! ! !
I work with Abe (indirectly, anyway) but read the article on viral marketing. Just wanted to give you my compliments on the site. Great stuff!
I am keeping close tabs on viral marketing and can not condone it in any fashion. After all, I receive viruses in my e-mail all the time, this is a well known fact corroborated by law enforcement authorities. how can they then think it is alright to market by viruses is my question. after all I cannot pass on the same without consequences. But marketers can? This is scrotality at its worst and how it is allowed to continue i do not know. I agree with my pharmacist about Pictionary and all of its evil incarnations.
Yess I did read it actually, great article; Congrats Martina