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No text & win for Muslims

July 29, 2004 at 10:30 by Martina Comments

Text & win competitions are regarded as a form of gambling, therefore Muslims are banned from sending SMS to get prizes. In Malaysia, as Telecom Asia reports, the ruling by the National Fatwa Council means Muslims caught sending SMS messages in the hope of winning a prize could find themselves in a sharia court.

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3 Responses to No text & win for Muslims

  1. dab says:

    To comment on topic: Sharia court? Wonder what the punishment for SMS gambling is. Egad.

  2. Perhaps they amputate your mobile phone?

  3. Lina Al-Kharouf says:

    I actually find this very surprising, since Saudi which is known for being the heart of Sharia Law allows SMS campaigns on a regular basis. My company carries out SMS & win campaigns in Saudi almost on a monthly basis and our campaigns have enjoyed great success, whether in Saudi or throughout the Gulf Region.

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