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FedEx targets Europe with an advergame

May 13, 2005 at 10:03 by Martina Comments

Pick the parcels, transport them to the airport and then get ready for their delivery. Simple and perfectly in line with FedEx business, this is the advergame CWA has developed to promote the brand and the delivery services from Europe to the United States. The advergame is localized with 13 different versions, developed to target, among the others, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, France and Denmark.

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2 Responses to FedEx targets Europe with an advergame

  1. thecod says:

    yes, I read about this and played the game before.
    But honestly. The game is absolutely boring.
    It would have been a nice viral thing many years ago (ie in the 90′s). Don’t you think so, too?
    Why would anyone bother about this or tell their friends? (I read somewhere else, that this is a serious attempt to create a viral effect!)
    I doubt this will have great success…

  2. I agree with you the game might be boring, but at least I like the fact they’ve tried to create a mechanism which is actually connected to their business. This doesn’t often happen with advergames. Most of them focus on the entertainment side, missing the real link with the brand.

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