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What about buying ads in RSS feeds?

June 17, 2005 at 9:38 by Martina Comments

A recent report by Forrester Research (“US Online Marketing Forecast 2005 to 2010″) found out that 57% of marketers are “somewhat” or “very” interested in RSS advertising (64% expressed the same opinion on blogs advertising). Despite the forecast, at the moment, advertisers still have a lot of doubts concerning this kind of solution. Trying to show the right way to RSS advertising, MarketingSherpa presents the case study of Citrix GoToMeeting which just tested RSS and podcasting ads.

2 Responses to What about buying ads in RSS feeds?

  1. bre says:

    Just wanted to drop a note to let you know that I think your blog is a good read!

  2. Shawn Rogers says:

    We are already seeing great interest from our clients and prospects with regards to RSS ads. Presently we have Hyperion Software as an advertiser and while I can’t provide metrics I can tell you that the feedback from the customer has been very positive and we expect them to renew the campaign. I am fortunate to be a Hi-Tech publisher and my customers tend to be early adaptors. Our site is launching two Podcast programs in the coming weeks and each has advertisers lined up as “show” sponsors.

    Your blog is great!

    Warm Regards,
    Shawn Rogers
    Co-Founder, Executive Vice President
    Business Intelligence Network

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