Online ads grow in Germany and UK
In the first nine months of 2005 online advertising has reached a 279 million value in Germany. According to the numbers released last week by Nielsen Media Research, there has been a 36,3% increase since September 2004, with online and financial services as well as the automotive industry leading the expenditures. Despite the growth, Internet advertising is still very small if compared to traditional media. Since the beginning of the year, the investments in print, TV, radio and outdoor advertising have been worth over 13.3 billion euro.
In the United Kingdom Internet advertising expenditure for the first half of 2005 reached £490.8 million, with a 5.8% market share which actually surpasses the outdoor’s (5.1%). According to a study by IAB/PwC online revenues increased by 62.3% on a like-for-like basis when compared to the same period in 2004.