Vodafone and The life of the Mayfly
In the UK Vodafone is online with a website featuring The life of the Mayfly competition. The concept is based on a Tv campaign created by Bartle Boble Hegarty/London.
The idea is to allow people sharing their view on how to make the most of each day. Anyone who gives life to a mayfly has his/her name displayed on the website and gains the chance to win the final prize. The best mayfly will be awarded with a trip to Italy, to the Fiorano Race Track at Maranello. There the winner will be driven around a track by Michael Schumacher in a Ferrari Granturismo.
Again, an online marketing idea that gives visitors to star at the center of the stage… give people 30 seconds of fame!
doesnt work in firefox???
Works fine on my machine (version 0.9.3) and I should know, I built the site…