Calucci, the game
Dutch insurance company Centraal Beheer Achmea runs an interesting ‘game commercial’. The accompanying TV commercial tells the story of Mr van den Berg, who’s in a witness protection program. As soon as he arrives in his new house, the mayor of Omerta Falls introduces him, in front of national television, as resident nr. 100.000. The online game starts at point the doorbell rings. Mission: avoid this mayor and get out of the house unseen.
Centraal Beheer Achmea states that the game commercial concept is one they will follow up on every new commercial they will launch since they believe this a great way to get on- and offline closer together.
At the moment I’m writing my thesis and doing a research into the effects of Advergames. I’m looking for 2 advergames, one being an Associative Advergame – merely featuring the brand in the form of a banner or a brand identifier. The other game should be a demonstrative one, where the product is used and the game player can discover the advantages of the brand/product.
Any tips for a good demonstrative one?