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One Green Bottle

December 21, 2006 at 2:25 by Mark Comments

Dutch Brewer Grolsch just launched a new green beer bottle. The introduction is backed by an online commercial inspired by the famous One Red Paperclip story. Good to see that more and more advertisers get inspired by remarkable online initiatives.

4 Responses to One Green Bottle

  1. dvk says:

    I like the commercial, and i like the green bottle even more. But it kind of reminds me of some other big Dutch beer brewer, that is famous for it’s green bottles in the whole world. Except for The Netherlands.

  2. Balazs Balint says:

    Some more information: More than 13.000 views in 3 days. Not bad.

  3. Robbie says:

    Worse I have seen in a long time. An ad that demonstrate how advertisers are spending money with 0 ROI. The ad is not realistic and at best shows that if you trade a car for beer or a woman for dogs you need your head checked at best.
    It is similar to some American beer ads in which the guy chooses the beer over a girl.
    People - get a life will you?

  4. Andy says:

    I liked the advert, may help Grolsch appeal to a younger more mainstream trendy audience? At the minute I only see heavy rockers in the UK drinking it :-)
    Got me to thinking though, can anyone think of any other mainstream TV commercials inspired from an internet viral campaign?
    Maybe when the next updated Star Wars box set comes out they can use “that guy” with the light sabre? ha ha ha…

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