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A short film called Hands

February 4, 2007 at 8:50 by Martina Comments

Believe me, this is not done on purpose… but here comes the third post in a row that talks about “hands” in advertising… This time it’s a Guinness campaign (“Good things come to those who wait”) by Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO which will debut in a couple of days on TV and throughout more or less traditional media.
The website is already online at and it features a lovely black&white layout, the TV spot as well as an application which allows users to play with their own hands and create personalized messages. Each letter on the keybord represents a different gesture to choose. I didn’t find it very addictive, but maybe it’s because I’m Italian and I miss our own dozen gestures we use when we speak ;-)

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One Response to A short film called Hands

  1. law says:

    I thing this ad would have been perfect if the copywriter would have found a final expression with just 10 different letters.

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