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L’Amour, the Polish way

March 13, 2007 at 9:51 by Martina Comments

It’s always interesting to see how global concepts/guidelines set by brands’ headquarters are then developed on a local level. The example I bring you today is the one from Nokia and its L’Amour collection, see through the eyes of its Polish subsidiary. A touch of luxury and art meet technology and get a twist of user generated content, of course without forgetting to add a contest. Browse emotions, submit emotions and share emotions in a dark and stylish online environment.

The site is also in English, so don’t be scared to click and visit it… And if this can make you feel any better, Nokia fans see a world full of love, as this is the most submitted emotion…

The agency behind it is K2.

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2 Responses to L’Amour, the Polish way

  1. Chris Wilson says:

    Pretty freakin’ cool. If they can get consumers to stick around long enough to interact with the site, then they have a gold mine. It pulls emotions out and associates those feelings with the site. Great idea!

  2. Todd W. says:

    Hmmm. This looks awfully similiar to this:

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