New design, new ideas
As you might/should have noticed, Adverblog today has a new look. Once per year I feel I need some freshness, and I start designing a new version. Now that this blog is about to get four years old, I thought it was time to give it a more mature layout, even if the tone of voice and the content will always remain the same.
On the right side of the page you’ll see a job posting space. I’ve started it because it’s trendy (I’m kidding!)… Well, I’ve started because lately I have been receiving a lot of requests of posting on Adverblog about open positions in agencies and brands. Now this kind of requests will find the right spot to be placed. However, i will advertise only positions in Europe, as I feel I have to stay loyal to the dna of this blog. There are a lot of other places where you can find job offers in the US, here you can make sure the space is EU-centric.
Last but not least, I’ve decided to change my approach to ads I display. I will only feature stuffs which are very relevant to you, the readers. This is why as from today you see banners about marketing & creative magazines and about marketing training programs.
In the next few days I will fine-tune and optmize the layout. If you experience any bug or problem, please let me know and excuse the inconvenience.
Very Nice!!
Wow! very nice, it currently looks more fresh (the older version was unchanged since a lot, I feel).
I’d just make some fine-tuning on type and give some more emphasys to post titles, all the rest is excellent. Brava!
Hey, this is nice! I still miss the heart, but I really like this. Makes me even more anxious for it to be spring.
very fresh lay out Martina!!
I like it.. very ‘breezy’. It feels like the new design puts you on the edge of advertising which is where I think you deserve to be. It’s synced up, now.
Continued success,
I just wanted to compliment your blog. I like how it feels with all the photo’s..good job.
Bill Van
“I have to stay loyal to the dna of this blog”
I love that phrase so much!
And nice design! I almost forgot.
Your site is the most insightful way to access international info on strong creative.
That being said and maybe I’m old but the colours are a little intense for me.
I’ll power through it but I think it’s the strips that are throwing me off.
mi piace assÃ
Ciao, sono una voce fuori dal coro evidentemente.
A me non piace questo layout, lo trovo molto piu’ difficile da leggere… rimane il fatto che non c’e’ giorno (lavorativo!) che non visiti il tuo blog sul quale trovo un sacco di materiale interessante! Bye!
Very nice this new webdesign !
Hi Martina
I visit your blog at least once a week, and I must say it is one of the best of its kind. However your new design might mean that my visiting frequency will drop to once a year… what the f*** went wrong???
I’m looking forward to its prosperity
I don’t like this new look. I don’t say that the old one was super-mega-cool but this one is kinda of hard to read. No offence but the text is all black and if it’s not black is the title. All text has the same size, you cannot say if it’s a title or inside post text if it wasn’t the blank backgrownd of that “td”.
Hopefully you have the rss thing working fine and in full text. That’s good
Oh pleasse, tweak the design again or bring the old one back… the colour scheme is so jarring it grates on my nerves BUT i still love your site. It’s just so informative.