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Fill the hungry suitcase

June 17, 2007 at 8:36 by Martina Comments

Big Spaceship is behind a new advertainment website launched by Royal Caribbean to help and entertain holiday undecided.
The site tells the story of a “hungry” suitcase, that is eager to go on holiday and asks you to be filled with the items you’d like to take with you in your ideal vacation. Depending on your choice, the site will reccomend a specific destination among the ones reached by the Royal Caribbean cruises.
Maybe it’s not exactly an exciting nor innovative concept but the whole thing is very well executed, and I think it can be friendly and entertaining enough to appeal with a different approach the target the site aims to reach.

3 Responses to Fill the hungry suitcase

  1. Mark Bowness says:

    I kinda liked this, it was cool! Got me thinking about a much needed holiday lol!
    Mark Bowness

  2. Andrew says:

    Check out how SmartPower used a YouTube contest to find some creative, and potentially effictive, ad pieces.

  3. juan says:

    Really good Design and the idea is genial… It’s a good entertainment… impressive campaigne…
    Thanks for it..
    Hello to every Marketing Passionated…

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