Office Olympics the Red Bull way
In The Netherlands, Red Bull has launched the Office Olympics, a website but most of all an event, that will take place in Amsterdam at the end of August. The concept is cool, as it challenges office workers to join forces with their colleagues and build teams to compete at in a series of crazy challenges.
My favourite discipline is most definitely “Mouse Carving”. You can see what it’s about watching the video on the site. All the content is in Dutch, but the video starts playing automatically and the menu labels are all in English, so you can easily find your way through the content.
Unfortunately, as Dabitch points out on her blog, the videos posted on the site for now are not very funny. The point is that from the textual descriptions you can guess the whole thing is going to be a crazy experience (also because there’s a brand like Red Bull behind it), but the videos don’t help you getting the real feeling of the idea. Let’s hope user generated content will help them out
Dell, Intel and Vodafone organize a “National Championship Office Chair Racing” in that same Amsterdam, just two weeks before the Red Bull Olympics. Coincidence? Or…
And the IOC comes knocking about unlicensed use of the term “Olympics” in five, four, three, two…
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