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Go green with Virgin Trains

October 3, 2007 at 8:53 by Martina Comments

Glue London has just launched a new integrated campaign for Virgin Trains with the claim “go greener, go cheaper“. If you care about the environment, you should travel by train, and if you’re not convinced yet this is the right thing to do, have a look at what “the flora and the fauna of Great Britain have to say about greener travel“.
As Iestyn from Glue explained me, they had a lot of fun creating the campaign and after having seen the videos, I can understand why :-) The campaign concept is really nice, and the videos are amusing, so it’s a pity that the site lacks of interactivity. In the end, it’s just an aggregator for the campaign videos and to deliver some information about the Virgin Trains green facts.

This is the teasing video the posted on Youtube… as usual, “sex sells” even when it’s about selling train tickets to save the environment.

One Response to Go green with Virgin Trains

  1. tim buesing says:

    hm…is someone trying to be Monthy Python here? Fair enough, I like that the message was subtle and not so in your face.

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