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The Secret Location

June 20, 2008 at 1:45 by Mark Comments

Nice timewaster for a friday afternoon. This self-promotion for an interactive production company sucks you into an entertaining and interactive story about a men who’s looking for The Secret Location. With this movie, the company proofs their ambition to tell thrilling and interactive stories. Enjoy.
Afbeelding 1.png

4 Responses to The Secret Location

  1. Greg says:

    That was total and utter rubbish. Badly made, boring and the ‘interaction’ was totally fickle. Why did you have to click a button to ‘ask a question’ when it was the only option it gave you!? The loading was clunky, the story cliched and it certainly did nothing to enhance my view of the company it was promoting. Utter dogshit! Sorry to get so angry but c’mon - for something with so much promise it couldn’t have been worse.

  2. koko says:

    If it was that simple to tell immersive interactive stories…

  3. Timbot says:

    Is it just me, or do your decisions in this site not make any difference to the story at all?

  4. piotr says:

    whhhaaat is the solution? just getting back to the office - sick loop, “be safe, considerate” decissions make no difference,
    good idea anyway,

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