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July 28, 2008 at 8:43 by Martina Comments

From the UK, an curious case study about a Terminator campaign created by the guys at London 20:20. The action is a few months old now, but I’m sure you’ll find it interesting anyway. Mobile played a key role in the project with an innovative GPS based mechanism that allowed users to precisely locate their friends around town.


A video explaines in details the campaign that also took advantage of a nice online media execution.

2 Responses to Terminate-a-mate

  1. Armando Alves says:

    Ydreams have done a few of those, way back in 2005

  2. ChorkyPops says:

    I don’t know, not sure if they’re that similar. The 2020 idea looks like it can really freak your mate out.
    The spooks one looks like it’s using technology for the sake of it. In fact I’m not too sure what it does?

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