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Wasting Water is weird. And creepy

September 21, 2011 at 7:10 by Martina Comments

Do you realize how much water you waste in your daily or weekly activities? No, I bet you don’t realize it. And neither did I. At least until I watched these weird and slightly creepy yet effective videos by The Shelton Group. The campaign is actually called Wasting Water is Weird, and is made out of three TVC, a website and of course a Facebook page and a Twitter account where the creepy guy shares tips to save water.

I feel we should be posting more about social advertising. There are so many brilliant non-profit digital campaigns out there to which we don’t pay enough attention. It’s about sharing the execution, but also the message.

For example, when I first saw this campaign, I saw myself in the guy in the bathroom (I’m that bad wasting water!!!). And now that I just brushed my teeth before going to sleep I really felt the presence of the creepy guy by my side. I would say the communication was effective…

Of course if you want to keep up with the best in social advertising executions my friend Marc at Osocio is the one to follow.

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