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Leveraging social media to save the lives of human rights defenders

May 13, 2013 at 7:20 by Nikolaj Comments

This is a super clever way to use the potential power of social media for something good. Something truly good. I hope the Natalia Project gains worldwide recognition and wins a Nobel Prize.
The objective of the Natalia Project is to provide human rights defenders at risk with a personal assault alarm in the shape of a heavy-duty wristband.  It allows the bearer to send out a distress signal in case he or she gets into trouble. That signal triggers a series of events that all aim to alert key contacts and as many people as possible though Facebook and Twitter.

Because, as the Civil Rights Defenders organization puts it, if there’s one thing that regimes and dictatorship want to avoid it’s international attention. Just the fact that the whole world could potentially be aware of an attack instantly creates virtual protection around civil rights defenders at risk.

The Natalia Project is named after Russian human rights defender Natalia Estimerova who was abducted and murdered in 2009.  It actually started as a school project but is now in production with the first 10 Civil Rights Defenders having received their personal alarm.

Please support the Natalia Project:

Client: Civil Rights Defenders
Agency: RBK
Account Handler: Mathias Wikström
Creative Director: Johan Pihl
Project Management: Fredrik Linder
Traffic: Annelie Andersson
Art direction: Tobias Snäll, Anders Sjönvall & Mathias Høst Normark
Associate creatives: Daniel Rørbæk & August Segerholm
PR: Lewis PR
Film production: Bsmart
3D: Real Eyes / Imsa CAD
Sound: Flickorna Larsson


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