Is this the beginning of stunt sequels?
Following on the success of Departure Roulette (we wrote about it here) Heineken and W+K tapped into tweets and social conversations around the first stunt to produce a smart follow up stunt.
Heineken tracked down people who had tweeted about Depature Roulette wishing that they were also dropping everything to travel to a mystery destination. The brand then offered these lucky few the chance to play Roulette Destination right there and then.
What’s interesting is that the social listening from the first stunt, creates the opportunity for the second. We’ve written about brands and open conversations before but W+K and found an interesting way to apply it to a campaign.
The idea of pulling tweets into the real world is not new. Taco Bell launched “Eat your words” to celebrate the arrival of Doritos Locos Tacos in Canada last month. They took tweets from frustrated DLT fans complaining about the absence of the brand in Canada and laser etched it onto the product itself, inviting them to literally “eat their words”.