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Have you seen the poaching phone?

April 20, 2014 at 8:47 by Ana Comments

If not, this means that you are quite happy with what you do.

Because, if you weren’t, apparently, you’d be browsing the career advice ad industry section in a bookstore and you may have found a phone inside one of the books. The phone would have had only one number in it. That would be the number that would have led you to your next adventure.

In an incredibly proactive move, Dubai ad agency FP7 has done exactly that: it sent the books with the phone in them to ad creatives they wanted to attract and it placed them into bookstores with titles appealing to the talent the agency wanted to attract.

The word is that the campaign was quite successful and that it resulted in amazing new employees, saving the agency about $80K in recruiter fees. Or you can just post an ad on Digiday Jobs.

Follow me @andjelicaaa

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