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February 17, 2004
Brush your teeth and win a cell phone

Spanish interactive agency HttpcomunicaciĆ³ has developed an online campaign for Dentaid a company specialized in products for the oral hygiene. The campaign objective is to collect information about Dentaid customers in order to better know and understand their expectations concerning the products. In order to encourage people to provide their data, Dentaid is giving away a Sony-Ericsson T610 every month.
Is a mobile phone a good incentive to give personal information to a brand? It depends on the number of questions...

Comments on this entry

please let me win this phone

Posted by: tyriah brooks at April 27, 2004 07:45 PM


Brushing your teeth and winning a cellphone at the same time would be great!

Posted by: Jenn Miller at April 29, 2004 05:04 PM


Brushing my teeth and talking on the phone that's cool.....

Posted by: jane rothenberg at April 30, 2004 08:15 AM


Wow thats probably the coolest deal ever ! Brushing you teeth and winning a cell phone - wow thats awesome! all my friends have one but I dont.

Posted by: Michelle at May 4, 2004 09:21 PM


Awsome. i just brush my teeth and win a cell phone. All my friends have but i don't. This is the best deal i have ever heard

Posted by: Nana at May 31, 2004 11:53 AM


brushing my teeth and talking hiddenly with girlfriends on a cell phone 'll be awesom.all of my friends have cell phones but i don't and that is a fact

Posted by: zubair hashmi at June 11, 2004 09:11 AM


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