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June 07, 2005
Can you imagine a world without Nutella?

nutella_pic.jpgUsually I don't post much about food brands, but this week, maybe because I'm on a diet, I'm finding a lot of interesting news about ice-cream, cookies and now chocolate!

Yes, this post is about Nutella the faboulous creamy, chocolaty hazelnut spread everyone loves. Well, I found out they have an online community in Italy (My Nutella) to engage all the fans. Now they have launched an online photo contest in which people have to represent with a shot their relationship with Nutella. Three winners will be awarded every month with a Fuji digital camera.

[News via PubblicitĂ  Italia]

Comments on this entry

I cannot imagine my childhood without Nutella. too bad I don't speak Italian

Posted by: Jessi at June 8, 2005 02:56 AM


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