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June 23, 2005
It's a Lego world

Ogilvy & Mather Santiago for Lego (Chile) received the Outdoor Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions.


Comments on this entry

super-great! but ... which part of the picture is the illusion? (look at the top left ;) anyone around chile who could varify the ad? :-)

Posted by: ami at June 23, 2005 10:46 AM


This is realy a GOOOOOOOOOD ad idea.... it´s amazing

Posted by: Joel at June 23, 2005 05:40 PM


I agree with 1st comment.
Who wants to check this out?
I found more info but no so conclusive for the moment cause it came from the same source.
We have to look from the side of SILFA, the actual advertiser.
In terms of strategy, knowing the market and the brand awareness, does Lego really need to afford such media on a building in Chile?

Mr Juan Carlos Sotello took the photo, When? Street?.

Category: Corporate Image
SILFA Chile, San Ignacio 201, Parque Industrial, Portezuelo Quilicura, Santiago, Chile,Tel: 56-2-460-7500, Fax: 56-2-460-7510 - Mr. Juan Pablo Sitnisky

Product or Service: LEGO
Advertising Agency: OGILVY & MATHER SANTIAGO
Country: CHILE
Creative Director: Cesar Agost (Carreno)
Copywriter: Felipe Manalich
Art Director: Sergio Iacobelli/Sebastian Alvarado
Photographer: Juan Carlos Sotello
Illustrator: Ricardo Salamanca
Account Supervisor: Ranjiv Ramgolam

Posted by: bidule at June 26, 2005 11:05 PM


1. The logo is old.
2. Lego is not using that payoff anymore.
3. Lego always uses the 8-knob (not 2-knob) for advertising

Posted by: Michael at July 14, 2005 03:12 PM


I think it is amazing and very creative. All of you are making destructive opinions. Think about it, stop doing that, and enjoy it.
And who cares, cause Chile already win the Grand Prix.

Posted by: Carlos Pinto at August 2, 2005 07:19 PM


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