The Olympic challenge with Google Earth (and Fiat)
To properly celebrate (and of course take promotional advantage) of the upcoming Olympic games, Fiat has partnered with Google Earth to launch an extremely cool online competition. Under the snows of Turin and the Olympic valleys Fiat has hidden an exclusive Ferrari 360 Experience pass and four Fiat Sedici cars. The game (Sedici contest) challenges users finding on a Google Earth map the places where suche prizes have been hidden. The competition is also in English, so I definitely invite you to give it a try.
The campaign has been created by TestawebEdv, and I’m glad I can eventually post a nice Italian interactive concept. Of course , I have one thing to complain about: the quality of the web site. Such a nice concept should have been promoted with a much more appealing site (also checking the English copy…).
[news via PubblicitĂ Italia]
yeah you are right. in italy we have only few works to be mentioned for a good design , because all business people are urge of finish and cash the job… so sometimes if the idea was good they ruin a good idea cause of hastiness, and bad organitation. we ideas but we have no good method.
This game sucks
i dont know and understand what’s the creative part in it…using google earth in such a way aint that great.
The game done by addidas is better i think.
Anyway, thanks martina for the post