I really like what Adidas is currently doing online with its Adicolor campaign. It's a rich and (of course) colorful concept they are devoloping with wit. The Adicolor mini-site isn't really a "mini" website, since it features a lot of content to explain the Adicolor idea and engage users to submit their own interpretation of the shoe.

Adidas scores the first point linking consumer generated content (the shoe design) with the offline tangible world: the winner of the White series competition will have his shoe produced in a limited edition of 50 products. 25 will be allocated to the winner and 25 will go on sale to the public.
The second part of the Adicolor concept kicked off only a few days ago, with the launch of www.r255g255b255.net (does it ring any bell?). The site is a collection of (viral?) videos inspired to the Adicolor colors.

Even if the first video (White - starring Jenna Jameson) looks like total no-sense (at least to me) I like the crazyness of the concept which inspired the project. The next videos will be added over the next six weeks and, of course the content is available also for PSP and iPod (you can subscribe to the videocast).