Laurent sent me an interesting link to, an advergame Cisco System has just launched for the World Cup. Guess what, the purpose of the game is to score some goals .... Hmmm not
quite original I would say. Yes, but it uses a never done before technology that makes you play neither
with your mouse, nor with your keyboard, but with your voice. It is quite strange and funny to interact with your screen via your phone. Then, as your shoot depends on the tone, volume, lenght of your voice, you can either find it ridiculously funny or ridiculously stupid...
There is also a second advergame which particularly fits if you play at work, and your colleagues don't like football, or don't have a great sense of humour. Well, with a little bit of derision, the game is quite funny, as you just show completely mad shouting "booooom" in every way! Some may find the website a little bit cold, but hey we're talking high-tech here! And the site is clean and animations are nice.