Close your eyes and imagine a SimCity made of bananas... then click here and play this weird but brilliant advergame just launched by Chiquita in Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Austria. The challenge, as in SimCity or in Railroad Tycoon (my favourite games ever), is to grow bananas while keeping the employes happy and, of course, while respecting the environment.

For the players it's a nice, lovely designed game which also gives the chance of winning a journey to Costarica, for Chiquita it's a good (and unusual) exercise of corporate ethics and environmental responsibility. What I like about this game is the learning process about Chiquita plantations it involves, and I also appreciate the fact that registration is not compulsary. Too bad that such an effort is not available to play in English!

The agency behind the game it's These Days, and I've found the link through my friend Coolz0r.