Internet can do a lot when it comes to social and citizen responsibility, and the new website launched in France by RATP (public transportation company in Paris) is one of the best examples I've ever seen. Called "Objectif-Respect" the site aims at educating les parisiens on how the public transportation should be used, respecting other passengers, not destroying the seats, regularly paying for the tickets etc...
The site is divided in several section, each explaining a concept both through an advertainment piece (a cartoon, an advergame, a quiz etc...) and through a video documentary with interviews to public transportation users and workers. Probably only those of you who speak French will fully appreciate it, but give it a try anyway!
The advergame (section 3) is definitely my favourite part: the challenge is to get into the metro without paying the ticket...
As you might have realized from what I've written in this post, I consider "Objectif-Respect" a brilliant concept, which should definitely inspire more and more public administrations to invest on the Internet for their campaigns targeting young people. This said, it would be great to actually be able to measure the results of such campaigns, I mean, will people learn how to behave after seeing the Objectif-Respect site? Hopefully... especially if teachers show it in the schools.
website found at sendtofriend.