As I was saying on another (French) blog yesterday (Roycod), I feel like these new types of marketing campaigns might as well just offer advertisers new channels/ad support to use in the future.
Thus, this might be an example of a type of ad that might become a standard in a (near?) future, just as leaflets are today.
Posted by: Clément at December 13, 2006 12:14 PM
It's a cheap knock-off from an agency (Kolle Rebbe), that desperately tries to be creative. But for the last years they have only produced one-hit-wonders. (Except the Bisley campaign.) It's just that as far as I know from former employes, that their real company culture is in expanding and money generating. Not in creating award winning work.
Posted by: Kali at December 13, 2006 01:12 PM
It's urban spam, pur and simple. It's something we ad-bloggers shouldn't be celebrating. It's old school interuption advertising, it's a gimmick, there's no strategy. It just interferes with our personal space. It was first done by a pizza company a few months back. Yes, we all get junk mail - but it comes through a system we have 'opted in' to use' - the post
Posted by: Piers Fawkes at December 13, 2006 01:20 PM