Martina you are so right. The industry is promising us a mobile marketing since 5 years. I haven't seen anything happening yet.
Posted by: Zitoo at February 14, 2007 01:21 PM
Martina and Zitoo: I disagree.
I can see mobile marketing going mainstream in a slow but steady pace. The reason it takes a little longer than expected is that marketing people and consumers have to realize the benefits and the technology has to be sold at a low price. Mobile marketing as a product to marketers is also somewhat disruptive: There are a lot of new concepts for marketers to learn.
My humble solution to this dilemma is called, a web site where you can create, distribute and manage mobile marketing services. Everybody has an address book and a calendar in their mobile phone. With InfoNU you can put your own icon next to those and deliver text, images, videos, chat services and customer surveys for free to mobile phones all around the globe.
If you or others are interested to try feel free to contact me at anders at
Posted by: Anders Hansson at February 20, 2007 09:49 AM