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Learn the Comcast words

September 3, 2007 at 7:19 by Martina0 comments

Thanks to Comcast TripleSlanguage I found out I often practice “snurfing” (surfing the internet when you’re supposed to be on the phone) and I also learnt quite a few new words in English that I will probably never use in my life. But the visit on the site has been pleasant and this is probably the most important thing to point out when talking about an advertainment project.
Created by Perfect Fools and Goodby, Silverstein & Partners the TripleSlanguage site has the goal to introduce the Comcast Triple Play, a package that delivers all in one TV, internet and phone. The service promoted it’s there, but it’s perfectly “embedded” in the advertainment experience that takes the center of the stage.
The interface is simple but beautiful with a series of Flash animated cards and little cartoons that explains you the meaning of all the weird words we’ve been inventing in the Internet era. After browsing for a while you can take a quiz to test your knowledge of all these neologisms, or you can submit your own word in a dedicated section that for the moment is (quite sadly) completely empty. But good to see they’ve decided not to cheat starting the site with users words already there!

3 Responses to Learn the Comcast words

  1. JT Taylor says:

    oooo….I’m a terrible snurfer. And I never knew my symptom had a name…..

  2. Heath Row says:

    What I really wanted was to be able to order a deck of cards — until I saw that there was video. The little cartoons really make this campaign work… be sure you check them out!

  3. Jackson says:

    There are User Words now up - check them out!

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