At first sight I thought it was a sexist campaign, but after having visited the Dim Dim girls site for a few minutes I had to change my mind. Of course it's an opportunistic idea, but isn't this what we usually define as a (smart) "tactical" action?

1. Take an international sport event that will get men's attention for over a month (the Rugby World Cup); 2. Realize that women will go crazy during the event because (in most of the cases) they don't understand the game and, most of all, they don't understand why men should prefer rugby to them; 3. Consider the product you sell (lingerie); 4. Agree with me that Dim Dim Girls it's a great idea because: A) It explains the key rugby rules to women, using their own language with explanatory examples that put the sport in context with real daily life situations B) It shows several nice girls in lingerie to men, who next time that will have to buy something for the wives/lovers/friends would probably remember the easy DIM brand name.
