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Prototype experience

May 28, 2009 at 6:24 by Laurent0 comments

To promote its next video-game developped by Radical Entertainment called Prototype (to be released in Europe in June), Activision makes you live a unique experience.
You can check by yourselves by going on the dedicated website, where you will be asked to connect to your Facebook account. I won’t tell you too much about the result not to ruin the effect.

I think it is a nice move by the Belgian creative agency One Million Dollars, that managed to go beyond the nice, clean, graphic trailer, by offering something else, through a clever integration of Facebook.

Sure, it reminds some UGC campaigns, where you could customize your own video with personal data. Except this time Activision takes a short-cut, by taking all the needed information where they are, that means on your Facebook profile !
As often in this type of case, some might be disturbed by such an exploitation of personal data and materials.
But that is the Facebook game, isn’t it ? And as it works with an opt-in …
And let’s face it, the gamers this trailer is designed for won’t be bothered by this trick, and there are better chances they find this immersion rocks.
After the recent Killzone web application, and some other campaigns like Nintendo’s WarioLand or Ubisoft Assassin’sCreed 2, just to name a few, this one shows once again how the video game industry can be a wonderful playground for creatives.

3 Responses to Prototype experience

  1. fabian Aerts says:

    Many thanks for the post. We’re really proud to be on this blog ;-)

  2. Panos says:

    Watched the intro. Very cool and very creepy! :-)

  3. Pete says:

    Cool and original.. yes definately! Does it work? I’m not so sure. The whole campaign fails if you don’t have a Facebook account. Sure, a lot of people have Facebook accounts.. but not all of them are willing to sign their account name up on a campaign site.

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