To begin this post I think i'll stole a quote from Agency Republic's Gemma Butler while voting last One Show Interactive: "There could be a Nike category in every festival". Being myself a big fan of Uniqlo's interactive stuff, i'm amazed on how often they're releasing such amount of high quality stuff, maybe festivals should think of another Uniqlo category too.
I think this "Uniqlo Tokyo Fashion Map" project is a follow-up to the Uniqlo Parka one released last February, and although reminds me a little of that Nike "Pass the ball" project i cannot but loving how Uniqlo makes fun of each and everyone of their catalogs while using amazing skills of data visualization.

Always displaying their clothes not as an abstract item but always contextualized showing the people wearing them or even, as in this site, fit into the places where they usually walk by, i appreciate very much the good vibe given by these kind of projects, it's hard not to smile while visiting. So enjoy this collection through "connected" videos or by photos, while a nice music plays and with this great and simple interface that also includes a map in which you can locate where is every video/picture taken.