The Ministry in numbers (and illustrations)
As you might have noticed (!? I’m a big fan of Japanese interactive works. I like their visual style, I like the attention to details and I also like the fact that in order to (try to) review them I need to do some research and investigation. The latest website that came under my radar was created back in May by Business Architects for MEXT the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan.

The challenge to understand the project seems to be particularly hard this time… so if a Japanese friend feels like helping it would be great, even if in a way I’m just happy looking at the lovely illustrations and admiring the fresh approach a governmental organ has to online communication.
I guess the website shares all the numbers and explanations about the MEXT. Not sure I can call it an infographic website, but it’s surely pretty close to the idea.

We have seen something similar a couple of weeks ago, with Zokei University website all in pixel graphics. Of course the graphic style is very different, but the two projects share a common visual approach to the education world. Nice, and smart, given the age of the target audience. I wonder if Universities and other Educational organs don’t take themselves too seriously sometimes.