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January 12, 2010
Lego Click and the Big Ideas

Lego just released this very nice short film, directed by brilliant Leigh Marling / Blue Source, called Cl!ck :

The movie celebrates the Eureka moment, the generation of great ideas, what Lego calls a Click moment, and invites you to visit the hub of the program,, a virtual canvas of ideas, inspired moments, quirky stories, solutions and tips, working as a collaborative plateform to inspire people.

Lego click.jpg

Guest contributors will share their Click stories, and everyone is invited to share Click moments, by sending an email at, posting a comment to the Lego Click fan page on Facebook or sending a tweet #legoclick.
An iPhone app has also been developped for this program. It lets consumers immortalize their favorite things - or their own Click moments - in Lego form.

The iPhone app might not be of a great interest if your are not a core fan of the brand, and the site animation can appear a bit confusing. Nevertheless I find this all program designed by Lego and its agency Pereira O'Dell fair, stimulating, and pleasant, supported, once again, by a great video.

Let's say it right away, I am a big fan of Lego. And I am not only attached to the bricks and the Miniman, I am also fan of the Danish toy brand marketing visions and actions.

I had the chance to listen to Conny Kalcher, who is currently Vice President Consumer Experiences at Lego Company, at a conference last year, and one of the elements, among others, which struck me, was how they managed to adopt social media very early, putting their community in the heart of the brand marketing.
For years now, the Consumer Insights department has been at the center of all the brand activities for instance.
They have also been building brand ambassadors and co-creating with the Lego community.
With humility, they soon admitted Lego lead users and fans knew their product sometimes better than themselves.
Thus some lead users have become certified professionals, the company giving them the opportunity to create their own Lego Business.
We are talking here about product co-creation and co-creation in communications.
And if you take a look at Youtube or Flickr, you will see user generated content is working at its best.
In tougher times, Lego understood its biggest asset was its community of fans, and has been relying on it since, in a clever and efficient way.
Needless to say customer service is a top priority for them, and what they managed to build on this area is quite impressive.
At last we can mention their social plateform : My Lego Network.
As a result, to me, Lego is a great example of a social brand, very inspiring. Well I guess this is very consistent for a brand which celebrates creativity !

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