September 30, 2003
Ford: SportKA "Evil twin" campaign |
Someone says it's humorous, someone else claims it's cruel and not funny at all. The online video ad developed by Ford to promote it's new SportKa has raised a lot of noise. It was supposed to be a viral marketing effort, so maybe this is the perfect result Ford wanted to reach... You can see the ad online at:
Or read more on Revolution Magazine and Ananova.
Sorry guys but comments are now closed. The discussion was going in the wrong way.
September 30, 2003
Onine ad spending growing |
AdAge reports that, led by financial services and telcom companies, online ad spending continues to rise. Those two sectors increased their ad spending by $100 million from the first quarter of 2002 compared with the first quarter of this year. The stats are provided by Nielsen/NetRatings.
Esure personalised email marketing |
Esure, a UK based online insurance firm has launched a new email marketing campaign to promote its its car and home insurance services. Brand Republic reports that the campaign, which features personalised email messages has been developed by Inbox Media, following the style of Esure current press ads. Chris Bowden, marketing manager of Esure, said:
"Initial feedback is extremely good and I am confident that this unique approach to financial services marketing will really hit the spot with consumers."
September 29, 2003
British Airways first viral campaign |
British Airways will sponsor the upcoming Rugby World Cup 2003 and will use a viral game to let people know about it. Revolution Magazine reports what Jayne O'Brien, head of BA's UK and Ireland marketing, said:
"We're hoping that players will be so enamoured by it that they will send it on to friends, family and colleagues and spread the word".
This sounds so na�ve... Well, Mrs O'Brien, the game will go online on October 6th, let's wait and see if it's worth spreading the word :-)
Online advertising, the sweet way |
Surf the Web and get a coupon for a free ice cream. That's the idea of and the ice cream maker Brigham's Inc.. explains the campaign idea, quoting Stephanie Shore, director of marketing at
"We were trying to develop a case study for our retail advertisers about how effective online advertising can be in driving offline activity. Brigham's was extremely pleased with the promotion, and they saw a lot of new faces."
Redemption rates were, in fact, pretty high: almost 10 percent of the 56,719 page views of the coupon.
Asics: guerrilla marketing push |
Revolution Magazine reports of a new integrated marketing campaign (guerrilla style) launched by Asics to promote its 70s basketball shoe "Fabre". The idea has been developed by the Dutch Agency BlueberryFrog and features the "Afro Octopus" Fastbreak Olly, as main character in an online slam dunk advergame.
The best player will win a pair of the shoes... A "must" for a basketball fan (and player) like me :-)
It's rich media time (maybe) |
Advertisers plan to put significantly more money into rich and streaming media in the next year, BUT... they are concerned about ROI and high costs. IAR reports the results of a recent survey by Jupiter Research on rich and streaming media. Rich media will account 11% of online ad spending in 2004, while streaming media will growth up to 4%. In 2005, rich media will represent 15 percent of online ad spending, and streaming will account for 6 percent.
September 24, 2003
Mazda: targeting thirtysomethings online |
Mazda goes online with a brand new viral campaign to promote Mazda 6 range of cars. Brand Republic that Mazda has created two entertaining, web-exclusive film clips that can be download and send friends. There's also a competition to win a golfing break at St Andrews. As Maria McCullough, advertising and communications manager for Mazda Motors UK, has explained:
"It provides 30-something males with more 'advertainment' film content that embodies the essence of Mazda."
September 23, 2003
British Airways promotes its business class online |
In a press release today on Yahoo! News, British Airways has announced a new aggressive effort to attract international business travelers, through an online campaign developed by iTraffic.
The online campaign -- including full-page Unicast, half-page and box advertisements -- will run from September 22 through the end of the year in conjunction with print and television ads developed by British Airways' offline agency. Amy O'Kane, Manager of Marketing Services for British Airways North America has commented:
"In addition to traditional outlets, online advertising has become vital to reaching our target audience. An integrated advertising approach has allowed us to create a consistent message and brand awareness for our industry-leading Club World business class throughout all media avenues."
Xbox: It�s good to play together |
In October Microsoft will launch a new interactive campaign to promote its consolle Xbox Live. MediaForum reports that Microsoft's objective is to create an online community of players. The online campaign instead, will start in November and continue until Xmas. Cristian Versari, Xbox marketing communication manager said:
"We are currently working on the interactive campaign planning. Anyway I can already say that it will be launched on web sites specialised in video games, as well as on MSN through an apposite micro-site. The campaign will also feature an online competition."
FT to launch fully integrated campaign in Asia |
The Financial Times has launched a new English edition in Asia, with the goal of boosting its circulation and increasing the reach across the Asia region. Brand Republic reports that the strapline used in the marketing campaign is "Independent. Inspired. Indispensable."
The Financial Times now has dedicated editions, in print and online, for the UK, continental Europe, US and Asia.
September 22, 2003
Integrated marketing campaign to attract tourists to Ireland |
"There's only one destination in Autumn". And that's Ireland, according to a new integrated campaign launched by Tourism Ireland to attract tourists to the country. Revolution Magazine reports that direct mail, email and the Web have been employed to to promote seasonal autumn packages linked to festivals taking place over the coming months.
September 19, 2003
KitKat Kubes mobile promotion |
Nestle has just launched a new snack format KitKat Kubes, and it's using mobile marketing to promote them to 16 to 25 years old women. Revolution reports that consumers who receive the sms text will have the chance to request free samples of the product.
Volvo S40 online promotion in Italy |
Volvo has launched on a campaign to promote its new S40. MediaForum reports that the Web portal has promised Volvo to create 180.000 click through and 3.500 online registrations.
The campaign will run also on the main Italian portals, using a variety of ads formats: hockeystick, skyscraper e pop-up.
Orbitz: pop-unders not as bad as you might think |
On eMarketer David Berkowitz presents today an interview with Otherwise Creative Director Mark Rattin. Otherwise is the interactive agency responsible for Orbitz online campaigns (the pop-unders you usually see when reading the New York Times online).
The interview is very interesting since it discusses many issues connected to online travel business and advertising.
The full collection of Orbitz pop-unders is available online.
September 18, 2003
Nike: Play "Tag" online |
Remember the Nike "Tag" Tv campaign? Now you can also play "Tag" online, thanks to a new advergame developed by the Spanish Agency DoubleYou. Read more on Diario IPMark (Spanish).
September 17, 2003
�On the run� Esso mobile competition |
Zeppelin as well as pizza couriers will be used by Esso in its upcoming �On the run� mobile competition in Switzerland. Impactmedia has designed the multi channel communication strategy, and MINICK has provided the mobile applications and infrastructure. Actually is not very easy to understand what the campaign is about, even though it sounds rather interesting, since there's also a little bit of "guerrilla" in it�In the press release Marco B�schlin, managing director of MINICK Switzerland explained: "This campaign uses fresh and aggressive means of communication, and thus the usage of mobile messaging is a must. Mobile Marketing reflects the spontaneity of the young target group."
September 16, 2003
Is traffic enough? |
MediaPost reports today about the recent Ford F-150 truck online campaign.
According to Nielsen/Netratings traffic from home to Ford jumped 72% to 842,000 unique visitors, thanks to the heavy advertising on MSN, Yahoo! and AOL. Masha Geller says this has been a successful campaign...
Well, I do agree that traffic is important, however I believe that, in order to evaluate the results of this online effort, we should better look at other data, not mentioned in the article, such as the number of people that have signed up to receive further information on the vehicle, or have booked a driving-test.
European SME using mobile e-mail |
The Italian web magazine Prima Comunicazione presents the results of a recent study by Nokia saying that more and more SME have started using mobile e-mail. In Europe, the use of mobile e-mail will grow by 35% in the next 18 months.
September 15, 2003
Mobile marketing: a success in Ireland |
New Media Age reports today that "the wireless space in Ireland today is 'nothing less than a revolution'". Opt-in has proved to be the key to the success of mobile marketing in the Irish market place, and more and more companies are happy with the results of their wireless campaigns.
By the way, Ireland has the highest per-capita texters in Europe.
Nissan Maxima "Mobile Concierge" campaign |
Nissan goes wireless to promote the new Maxima 2004. As iMediaConnection reports today and a press release stated last week, "Nissan has launched a pioneering affinity marketing campaign for the Nissan 2004 Maxima called the "Mobile Concierge" that packages advertising for the new car with compelling entertainment content for consumers."
The campaign has been developed with AvantGo, and features branding banners that link to a 2004 Maxima microsite designed specifically for PDAs.
PDA marketing sounds very strange to me, since here in Italy (and Europe) we have plenty of mobile phones but only few people, mostly managers, use palm & pocket pc. Personally I'm not even interested in having one, I don't have such a busy life to actually feel the need of it...
Young generations are the new media future |
On the Italian MediaForum I found today the opinion of Sarah Fay, President of Carat US, who was taking part to an international forum last week in Venice. Commenting a recent study on media usage she stated that young users (between 13 and 24 years old) represent a very important target that will determine the approach to new media communication in the next future. Therefore "we need to provide them with high quality communication".
Purple Pill marketing mix |
The latest cross-media analysis study from the Interactive Advertising Bureau says that pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca could increase product awareness in prospects also using online advertising. AdAge talks about it saying that a mix of broadcast, magazine and online media was recommended as the most efficient and cost-effective means to promote the "purple pill" Nexium.
Lucozade: brain energy in a bottle |
Revolution Magazine reports that GlaxoSmithKline is launching a web site as part of an integrated campaign to promote its Lucozade Energy drink.
The idea is to explain consumers how the drink can help them by increasing their focus and concentration. The Web site idea looks good to me, a part from the rather disgusting brain graphic in the bottom left side of the page. I wonder how this drawing will encourage people to drink Lucozade...
September 12, 2003
Pioneers in synchronous mobile and interactive TV |
At IBC this year, YooMedia Plc will demonstrate the first ever real-time, synchronous mobile and interactive TV application to be trialed on TV. This first pilot goes live during IBC on Turner Broadcasting�s Cartoon Network. The demonstration can be viewed on stand 3.231 in the iTV lounge at IBC. This is a cut&paste; from YooMedia press releases... sounds very interesting!
Testing Google AdSense |
According to some web sites have expressed concerns about the effectiveness of the AdSense program. A study by NewGate notes that AdWords program is far more effective.
Interesting the opinion of Tom Dugan president of NewGate who "contends that the results of the NewGate study point to an inherent weakness in contextual ads � that they catch consumers at a time when they are not likely to be in a buying mood".
Just the opposite opinion of the one I've received last week from Massimiliano Magrini, Head of Sales di Google Italia.
Dugan's point of view is very interesting and I might tend to agree with him, even though I think that before talking about theories, predictions and opinions on the matter, it should be better to have a look at more comprehensive AdSense results.
Disney picks Lycos Europe to promote the Pirates |
Disney has signed an agreement with Lycos to promote the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" through Europe (which in Italy becomes "The curse of the first moon", boh!). Nine countries will be involved in the campaign that will take advantage of a special web site in nine languages.
Disney is trying to take advantage of the very well established Lycos communities. Users might play the characters online by challenging other people throughout Europe in the Fight Club (that will be hosted on Lycos web site). There will also be a chat room and a competition to win the movie gadgets.
Ad-ID platform for ad tracking is ready but... |
There's a new and promising technology for digital ads tracking out there but... it will take a lot of time before it will be accepted and adopted by the industry. CNET News reports today, also explaining how the technology works. Basically, each ad has a 12-digit unique identifier that's used to track it from creation to distribution. The identifier also allows to link this data to demographic information on people to whom the ads have been delivered.
Successful Pointroll |
MediaPost presents the case study of Wyndham Hotels online advertising campaign using Pointroll technology.
Through its PointRoll campaign, Wyndham is averaging nearly five reservations, 10 room nights, and more than $1,600 in revenue per day.
The key is in delivering narrow messages to the users after presenting them with a broad brand message.
Excellent results given the tight budget they had to invest in this campaign.
September 11, 2003
Reebok interactive secrets revealed |
On iMediaConnection Dawn Anfuso presents an interview with Marc Fireman, Director of Interactive Marketing at Reebok.
They talk about Reebok's online campaigns, in particular of Whodunit? and Terry Tate. Fireman also gives his opinion about rich media, online communication and the lessons Reebok has learned from its online efforts. Very interesting.
 | to Offer Audience Segmentation | has launched a new program to help its advertisers to target different readers segments online. AdWeek reports, saying that Tacoda Systems' Audience Management System will be used to create Web users profiles and therefore target them with the most appropriate ads.
Advertisers not spending on small web sites |
New Media Age reports that "the trend" among media buyers to divert more spend to smaller Web sites and away from major portals has spun into reverse, according to sources in the online ad industry.
IAB has recently released figures concerning 2002, but I believe that, considering the AdSense program launched this year by Google, 2003 might prove different (and better).
September 10, 2003
B2B e-mail marketing |
Email marketing is just as effective in targeting a business market as a consumer one, but there are some crucial differences. There's a long long article on Revolution Magazine of this month to explain them. Briefly, one of the main problems it's the lack of data (I experience it with the Company I work for as well), while segmentation and precise targeting is the key to success.
Vodafone "Red Sim" campaign |
Vodafone Australia has launched a new marketing and advertising campaign to focus attention away from mobile phone handsets to the actual Vodafone sim card. B&T; reports today about the new "Red Sim" campaign, designed to help the consumer better understand the Vodafone brand offering.
How much should you spend on Internet advertising? |
IAB has the answer to help you in your media planning. MediaPost explains today the new features of comScore Media Metrix's tools which will provide estimates of overall campaign reach, frequency and GRP delivery based on user-defined campaign duration, impression goals and CPMs. Cool :-)
September 09, 2003
I'm tired of advertising! |
"I'm tired of advertising! I'm looking for new solutions that make people laugh and amuse. Italian creativity is too narrow, it still hasn't overcome the dichotomy limits between heaven and hell."
This is the opinion of Renzo Rosso, Ceo and founder of Diesel Jeans, talking about his Company's future communication.
Foster's mobile marketing campaign |
Foster's, the second biggest-selling lager in the UK, is undertaking its second mobile marketing campaign. As Brand Republic explains, it's a text-and-win sales promotion based on the Formula 1 Grand Prix.
It's a scratch and win game designed to be fun and interactive and, of course, to drive a lot of information about users into Foster's client database. Smart, as usual ;-)
02 free SIM campaign of the month |
Revolution Magazine features this month as "campaign of the month" 02 Free Sim.
02 opted for a free SIM card promotion when it sought an effective but simple way to boost sales and its customer base, writes Emily Booth, explaining the background and details of this marketing initiative developed by Agency Republic.
Glamour presents the virtual dressing room |
The virtual dressing room started by about one year ago is proving successful, driving both users and advertisers. reports that Levi Strauss & Co.'s Dockers, Nike and L'Oreal's Matrix have signed on for the program.
So... this is a new way to engage customers online. Should we call it marketainment?
September 08, 2003
Get ready for video-email ads |
Entertainment industry is looking for an effective marketing tool? Here comes the video-email! Revolution Magazine reports about a new technology developed by Lawton eMarketing that solves some the biggest hurdles in video e-mail marketing.
Is this the solution of the future or just another option for spammers?
3G technology: a revolution in direct marketing? |
3G Technology is set to revolutionise personal marketing by adding a fast, data-rich, multimedia dimension. B&T; presents an interesting feature explaining which are the players in the Australian market and how 3G will change direct marketing. David Burden, CEO of Legion Interactive says:
Marketers should approach 3G like any other new technology�with a strong creative and integrated approach. However, mobile marketing does offer an important point of difference from other media�the technology is linked intimately and constantly with the consumer.
September 05, 2003
Mobile marketers, get ready! |
CyberAtlas reports impressive data concerning mobile phones diffusion around the world. The worldwide mobile handset industry grew by 12 percent in 2Q03 over the same period last year, with Nokia continuing to lead the way.
Furthermore Jupiter Research predicts the total Western Europe mobile market to reach 310 million subscribers in 2005, with Germany accounting for 63 million. Gulp! Mobile marketers, get ready!
Dynamic Logic grows in Europe |
After winning a contract with Media Contacts, Dynamic Logic Europe will expand its business by taking care of clients such as Orange, Expedia, Airbus and Intel.
Its technology and methodology, again, will be used to measure the brand effectiveness of online campaigns.
I think I'll send them my cv...
Online advertising works! (at least on | has released a research demonstrating that online advertising can be an effective brand-building tool. iMediaConnection presents the news, giving a few more details on the campaigns that have been monitored.
Ford F-150 online promotion |
A one day online ad blitz to promote the new F-150. This is the Ford idea to present to the Web its new F-150. As explained on AdWeek, rich media ads have been running yesterday on the main portals such as MSN, Yahoo! and AOL. There was also an online sweepstakes to actually win the pickup truck.
September 04, 2003
Video: The Future of Online Advertising? |
Tessa Wegert tries to answer this question today on ClickZ.
Tessa says there's people out there working to develope technology that could fuel the creation of some pretty appealing new ad units. Good to know :-)
Tv tests loyalty with sms |
160Characters Association reports that New Zealand TV network uses SMS to verify who is actually watching TV programmes.
It's a loyalty program, you earn points for watching tv. You watch tv, during selected programmes get displayed, and you have to sms with your mobile phone and receive instant feedback via texting to update your points balance and reward information.
To learn more about this marketing idea, sponsored by Ford and Burger King, you can also to the TV station web site: Tv Power Points.
Online ad spending is growing |
The latest figures release by TNS Media Intelligence/CMR, say U.S. online ad expenditures have increased 15.3 percent from the year-ago period. The news is reported on AdWeek adding that Internet ad revenue was $3.2 billion for the first half of the year.
Steven Fredericks, president and CEO of TNS Media Intelligence/CMR states:
"These first-half results are further evidence that the ad recovery is well under way and that 2003 will be a very healthy year for the advertising marketing place".
Contextual advertising: the French perspective |
A special dossier has been published on Le Journal du Net to analyse contextual advertising, collecting opinions from Overture France, but also from the marketing directors of the main French news portals.
In general, contextual advertising is welcome, but with filters, in order not to be contrary to site deontology.
Book Virgin Atlantic with your phone |
Customers can now book flights on Virgin Atlantic via their mobile.
New Media Age reports, saying that user can browse the latest offers and then pick the one they prefer and collect the e-ticket at the airport.
Interesting news, but it always sounds very strange to me when you don't have a "paper" ticket in your hands before leaving to the airport... Am I too old for the wireless future?
September 03, 2003
BMW offers advanced Internet services |
BMW is launching in Germany a new service dedicated to 7er owners: drive, surf the Web and find hotels and ATM machines thanks to a co-operation of Michelin.
Of course it is suggested not to perform all these actions at the same time :-)
A part from jokes, I think it's this is a good idea to build brand loyalty.
Mobile, a revolution in the marketing mix |
If you can read Spanish, you will surely appreciate this column by David Roman Coy (a Marketing Professor) on Marteting Directo: El movil en el mix de la promocion de las empresas.
Cell phones have introduced a revolution in personal and commercial communication, but we still have to see the best of it.
According to Coy, marketers will take advantage of mobile communication especially for what concerns coupons and instant promotions.
September 02, 2003
Online campaigns of the week |
After the summer break Le Journal du Net is back with the best online advertising campaigns in France.
This week it features Reebok, Nissan, Samsung, Aol, and the British Conservative Party.
Nissan is the one I prefer, I like the movement they've created, which I think is rather unusual and very attractive for a banner. Congratulations to Mediaedge:cia the agency they developed the campaign.
Ferrero online marketing to kids |
Ferrero believes in online and multimedia entertainment as a marketing tool to target kids. They are performing an integrated marketing strategy sincea a couple of years with a series of advergames available to anyone buying the famous Kinder Surprise Eggs. In Italy, they will soon launch a video game "I magicanti e i tre elementi�, supported by a Web site ( that is clearly inspired to Harry Potter, even if this is not stated anywhere.
Advancis opens agency for the Italian market |
Opt-in News reports today that Advancis has announced the lauch of to serve the Italian market. I link it since like the opinion of Bertrand Balzano, Director of Marketing Services:
The idea is not to reinvent web marketing, but to concentrate on the media and online advertising vehicles that represent a better match for well-known brands and industry leaders.
September 01, 2003
Online advertising and the movies |
Not exactly a new topic to talk about (see Movie marketers and the Internet), however it's nice to get Advertising Age's point of view on it. More and more movie studios are advertising online, preferring the Web to the newspapers. I think it's a good choice if you want to target teenagers, but I'm not sure if this will work with people of my age or older.
I don't think movies are a kind of product you should advertise too much. I mean, the more you invest in advertising the bigger the audience's expectations become. If I see a movie advertised everywhere, I start thinking it's not good enough to get good reviews on magazines� If a movie is good a bit of advertising will launch it and then people and the viral effect will do the rest.
Again, against pop-ups |
It seems like everybody can't talk about anything but pop-ups these days� Anyway, here we go with another article against poor pop-ups, which I link because I like the title:
Pop-up ads head to technology graveyard.
A campaign with "class" |
Join the "burp" contest online... Capri-Sun, a brand owned by Coca-Cola is launching today a new competition and campaign to target kids between 7 and 12 years old. Read more on Brand Republic, I'm not going to go into further details about it. Otherwise go on the web site and enjoy... maybe...
SMS at 6 am: a nightmare for users |
New guidelines are required to discipline mobile marketer. According to New Media Age the Mobile Marketing Association is working on guidelines to limit the hours in which promotional sms can be sent. In the UK, at the moment, First Direct is under fire since it starts sending its sms at 6 o'clock in the morning, since they've found that it's cheaper at that time. Several users have complained to First Direct, and the Company has come out with one of the silliest statements I've ever heard:
"Our advice is for customers to switch off their phones overnight".
I believe this is the perfect way to annoy prospects and weaken the potentials of mobile marketing.
Guidelines and intelligent marketers are more than welcome... soooooon!!!
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