March 30, 2004
Lovelife and fight HIV |
160Characters reports Buongiorno Vitaminic and mobile phone retailer Teljoy are supporting a reality TV show in South Africa as part of an HIV prevention initiative. Buongiorno Vitaminic and Teljoy will donate Nokia phones, digital cameras and other gadgets as prizes for a reality television show competition to run across Lovelife�s various youth-focused media, from April to June 2004.
March 29, 2004
Who's the most original father? |
In Spain Siemens Mobile has launched an SMS based competition to celebrate the Father's Day. As Marketing Directo reports, the promotion targets young users engaging them with funny questions about their fathers. How does your father call your mother (the nice nickname ;-)? What will you do if your father finds you singing Bisbal's latest song in the shower?
To start the interactive challenge, users just have to send an SMS with the word Siemens, they will get three questions back and the possibility to win 10 Siemens SX1 and a 10 � traffic for their mobile phone.
The competition for el "D�a del Padre", developed by mobile agency Mami, has also a special web site, and has been supported by an integrated advertising campaign with Tv, press and radio ads as well as some e-mail marketing.
A Formula 1 challenge |
"Lap of Honour" is a new race advergame created by Panlogic to promote The Daily Telegraph Formula 1 coverage. The game also encourages users to challenge friends through the Pro Fantasy Formula 1 site, aiming at generating a viral effect.
Discover Plan�te Danette |
Danone has launched an interactive campaign to target young French "Danettophiles". As Boursier reports, "Plan�te Danette" aims to build a modern brand image on the Internet, getting 25 to 35 years old people to know Danone's products. With the tagline "Les plaisirs qui connectent", since last February the website has already attracted more 300.000 visitors interested in joining the game "Tribu Danette" a competition which gives away more than 100.000 prizes. On Le Journal du Net, Mariane Volpellier, Danone's manager coordinating the promotion said:
"Nous souhaitions retravailler les valeurs de Danette, la convivialit� et la modernit�"
Text & win... Enrique Iglesias |
Pop singer Enrique Iglesias is currently on tour in Asia, with his "Enrique Iglesias, The Seven Tour". In Malaysia Pepsi, the shows' sponsor is giving away free tickets to his concerts through an SMS competition.
Sweet online contest |
Emar reports KMF Online has developed a contest for chocolate brand Ritter which is giving away prizes worth 50.000 euros. Chocolate lovers can join the game by entering a 12 digits code and the indication of their favourite Ritter flavour. The web site already features advergaming content (chocology, e-cards etc...), even if it looks rather old-fashioned.
March 28, 2004
Marketing and videogames |
The combination games + marketing is hot online with advergames, in the wireless world with wireless advergames, and offline, with videogames product placement. In the recent years product placement has invaded Hollywood, and now is ready to massively land on videogames. GameSpot published last week an article about marketing and games, talking to Ubisoft's director of media and promotions, Jill Steinberg who said:
"Varied, layered marketing tactics--from the Internet to contests--are the goal for many consumer-brand companies. The true success of marketing tie-ins in the near future hinges on more than just featuring the product in the game."
As in the movies, I believe the point is to build a campaign around a game and not a game concept around a product. Advertising money has a lot of power but not necessarily this power is able to help the industry growing from a quality point of view.
Pop-ups better than spam |
Focus RH (in French) presents an extensive overview of Bunnyfoot Universality's recent report about pop-ups. In a qualitative research the behaviour of 36 internet users has been analysed in details, offering the following results:
- only in 2 percent of the cases the brand name appearing on the pop-up has been noticed
- 50 percent of pop-ups have been closed before loading was completed
- 35 percent of pop-ups have been completely ignored
I tell you one thing, if you find a way to defeat spam, I'll be more than happy to accept pop-ups appearing in every web site I visit...
March 26, 2004
Rich media, poor message |
On iMediaConnection Matt Heinz writes "It's the Message, Stupid", saying that rich media ads are too much focused on the creative aspects and often miss to communicate a clear advertising message. Matt says:
"Rich media advertisements are by their nature more complex. Too often, that complexity leads to complicated ads."
I think he's right, most of the times rich media just make people click away since they don't understand what the ad is about or even worse, what that flashy thing is doing moving around the screen.
March 24, 2004
New vodka advergame |
The Internet is an important medium for vodka brands. We recently talked about Stolichnaya viral campaign, today we mention RedSquare that just launched an online game "Killer Pool" to support the sales of the drink. As Revolution reports, the advergame has been developed by Pilot Interactive, and allows up to 500 people to play the game at the same time.
Win the youth market with gaming |
Norwegian online magazine InfoSyncWorld reports the results the Telephia Mobile Teen Report, which analysed the potentials of US wireless market. Teens are particularly interested in mobile data services such as gaming, and this will be a critical driver of penetration and handset sales among teens. Mick Mullagh, president and chief executive officer of Telephia said:
"Mobile teens represent a sweet spot of industry growth, and one of the ways the industry can drive adoption and ARPU within this segment is by focusing on online gaming and other high-growth entertainment applications".
IAB Spain prepares "the glossary" |
Last week in Spain took place "el Congreso de Publicidad Interactiva de M�laga" where six hundred professionals gathered to discuss how help the growth of interactive advertising and to investigate the relevance of the new media in political campaigning. Marketing Directo presents an article on the event, quoting the opinions of some the executives who joined the discussion. For example, Javier Rodr�guez Zapatero, general manager at Yahoo Iberia said:
"Internet es el medio m�s completo que existe para generar notoriedad".
Mr Zapatero is also the director of IAB Spain and announced an online advertising glossary will be released soon in order to help a standardization of ads' formats.
Online advertising in Italy: a question mark |
IAB Italia released yesterday the results of a research on online advertising in 2003. The study, developed with the support of PricewaterhouseCoopers, states the the Italian market has grown by 4 percent in 2003 with a total spending worth 103,4 million Euro.
It is particularly interesting to analyse the elements which compone the expenditure. The results are rather interlocutory: ad banners have declined by 16.8 percent, as well as SMS promotions (-29 percent), while email marketing and newsletter sponsorships have increased by 30.1 percent.
Let me say it, I'm leaving in a strange country. If I want to work in the new media advertising industry I have to move somewhere else...
Dynamic Logic presents AdReaction Study |
Dynamic Logic has released the first part of its annual AdReaction Study, measures consumers' perceptions towards advertising. Consumers feel the "appropriate" number of ads that appear over Web content, such as pop-ups, out-of-frame and floating ads, on the pages they are browsing is 2 per hour on average. A full summary and comment on the study is available on iMediaConnection.
March 23, 2004
T-Mobile bets on mobile gambling |
T-Mobile is investing in order to increase its market share of online mobile gaming and gambling working in cooperation with its "sister" T-Online. As W&V; reports, the horse racing site is already active ( and further initiatives will be launched soon.
Particularly interesting is the online gaming portal Habbo a virtual hotel to meet friends and engage in leisure activities. (it's in pixel graphics, the layout it's lovely...).
Audi runs PDA campaign |
Wireless marketing is not only about mobile phones, sometimes I tend to forget it, considering the situation in Europe. This press release reminds me that PDA in the US might play an important role in a wireless marketing strategy. Audi USA has partnered with AvantGo to sponsor the College Hoops Channel and raise its brand visibility among 24-54 year-old technology-savvy. Mary Ann Wilson Audi National Advertising Manager says:
"We believe AvantGo users share many of the values inherent in the Audi brand, making the College Hoops Channel an exciting way for us to reach a highly desirable demographic. The innovative medium, coupled with the opportunity to help consumers enjoy the excitement of the NCAA Division I tournament made this sponsorship the right match for Audi."
I particularly enjoyed the conclusion of the press release, in which AvantGo comes up with a sort of "mobile marketing manifesto" saying that "Using the AvantGo service, companies such as Audi can build brand awareness, acquire new customers, reduce customer care costs and generate incremental revenue through customized, interactive advertising, media and marketing campaigns designed for mobile users".
Mobile Marketing? The sky is the limit! ;-)
March 22, 2004
Hoverspeed rebrands with new media |
WFCA has developed an integrated marketing campaign to rebrand UK fast ferry operator Hoverspeed. The initiative includes email marketing, search engine advertising and affiliate marketing as well as traditional TV and press ads.
Broadband in Europe |
The ART ('Autorit� de r�gulation des t�l�communications) has released a few data about broadband's diffusion in Europe. France is leading the way with 1.2 million subscribers, followed by Italy (1.1 million) and the UK (1 million). Denmark has 12.7 fast connections every 100 inhabitants, followed by Belgium (12.1) The Netherlands (11.5) and Sweden (10.4), at the bottom of the standing we find Italy (4.7), Ireland (0.9) and Greece (0.1). The European average is 6.0 fast lines each 100 inhabitants.
Further information about the research are provided in an article on Le Journal du Net.
March 20, 2004
The Barbarians land on mobile phones |
The combination tv + mobile is one of the most attractive to marketers. Usually it has been approached using tv programs driving people to interact wireless, this time the situation works the otherway around. The History Channel is running a mobile marketing campaign to build awareness and loyalty to a new tv program, The Barbarians.
The campaign has been enabled by Enpocket which targeted a profiled list of opt-in 25-54 year old men with a text message that was delivered to their mobile phones the evening before the show.
March 19, 2004
E-mail marketing isn't dead |
A new report by Jupiter Research forecasts that spending on e-mail marketing in the U.S. will rise from $2.1 billion in 2003 to $6.1 billion in 2008. The press release explains three factors will be critical in driving the market: the dramatic cost reductions of e-mail marketing, the growth of sponsored and acquisition e-mail campaigns and the ever-increasing challenges presented by spam.
Customer retention e-mail campaigns account the greatest share of non-spam e-mail marketing campaigns.
March 18, 2004
BMW looks for "Friends" online |
BMW is heavily investing in the online pre-launch of its new 1er. To create curiosity and build awareness in potential customers, the brand has developed a web site, named "Prinzip Freude" and an adventure advergame, Flame - The Game. An article (in German) introducing the initiative is presented on, which explains that BMW's idea is to start a dialogue with its prospects, addressing them as "friends" (Freunde), and engaging them with exclusive content and events.
10 years of online advertising |
T-Online and DMMV are about to launch an exhibition which will feature 10 years of online advertising. The news is reported by German news site W&V;, which also provides the address for the exposition: They are currently shortlisting the banners in order to build up the standing. Unfortunately the web site is only in German... this is the link to submit your work or your favourite online ads of the past ten years:
The Mobile Lottery |
A couple of weeks ago, T-Mobile has launched The Mobile Lottery, an instant-win interactive lottery played via mobile phone. As the Company explains, each ticket costs �1 and offers multiple chances to win, with a better than one in five chance of scooping a tempting cash prize up to �1,000. Charities benefit, too, as the Mobile Lottery donates 20p from each �1 stake to 10 selected UK charities.
"Spot the Ball" online |
Littlewoods has developed an online version of the classic British football game "Spot the Ball". As Revolution reports, players pay a fee to join the game and can win cash prizes. You can find the game on GameOn website.
March 17, 2004
Find (and buy) Nemo online |
Disney is launching the DVD of Finding Nemo with an innovative online campaign. Thanks to the technological support of Reporo and ValueClick, users who watch the ad can directly purchase the product with a click. To see how the ad looks like and most of all how it works I suggest you going to Reporo's web site (than click on showcase).
Fiats presents its new online image |
Italian automaker Fiat has presented a new graphic style for all web sites in its network. Pubblicit� Italia explains that points of strength of the new line are two Flash based presentations which welcome users on the web sites. The presentation are focused on Fiat's new cars and latest events. features an interesting path "Costruisci la tua Fiat" (Build up your own Fiat) that allows users to personalize their car immediately asking for an estimate and getting in touch with a car dealer to actually purchase it.
Fiat signs deal with |
Fiat is running an online campaign to promote its Panda to 24- to 44-year-old women. As Revolution reports, Fiat has signed a sponsorship deal with which will include online ads, text links in the newsletter and a special branded section in the spring fashion pages (see screenshot).
March 16, 2004
Find "The Cat in The Hat" and win |
The Cat in The Hat videogame will be launched on March 19th, in the meantime Vivendi Universal Games is running an sms-based competition to promote it and build curiosity. The campaign targets young people who are asked to start the mobile interaction by texting in the keyword that appears on press advert. Entrants can win a PS2 console and a bunch of videogames.
Drink Vodka and find your bride |
Revolver Communications and Skive Creative have developed an online viral campaign for Stolichnaya, a Vodka brand. Based on a microsite called "Stoli Brides", which mimics the many Russian Bride online services visitors can engage in a simulated matchmaking to find the genuine Russian spouse. In the press release Martin Ballantine, Creative Director for Revolver says:
"The light-hearted and humorous creative is a perfect fit for the Stoli consumers and emphasises the Russian roots of the brand - continuing its cult status as the only authentic Russian vodka"
The campaign is aimed at men aged 25-34 yrs, and is being seeded as entertaining and fun content via Skive�s online influencer network. It will also be placed on sites such as Lycos, TTR2 and a network of other viral Blogs and portals, and distributed to a relevant portion of the Maxim email database.
March 15, 2004
Mobile marketing: creativity wanted |
On New Media Age Jon Carney writes an excellent article on the lack of creativity (and excitement) in mobile marketing. The media offers incredible potentials, to develop solutions far more attractive than the text&win; campaigns. It is up to mobile agency to work on creativity and go beyond this simple (yet effective at the moment) marketing tool. 3G will surely help the industry's growth, but marketers need at first to fully understand the technology's characteristics.
Online ads for fresh breath |
As AdWeek reports, Wrigley's has launched an online campaign to support the launch of its Eclipse Mints. A series of rich media ads, developed by agency Evb, are currently online targeting 18 to 44 years old people.
Scooby Doo lands on mobile phones |
Cartoon Network has partnered with Vodafone to feature mobile content to Vodafone Live! customers throughout Europe. The news is reported on 3G Uk which explains that the offering will include java games, wallpapers and polyphonic ringtones featuring Cartoon Networks' most popular characters such as Yogi (my favourite), The Flinstones, Scooby Doo, and Tom & Jerry.
Rabobank believes in I-Mode |
Dutch bank Rabobank has launched a marketing initiative to connect with its clients through I-Mode. As Emerce (in Dutch) reports, they are currently running an "awareness" campaign to let its clients know about the I-Mode option for mobile banking. Online advertising and direct mailing support the effort in order to reach Rabobank's goal: 90.000 clients using I-Mode by the end of the year. Good luck :-)
March 14, 2004
Search for the buzz |
On MediaPost Cory Treffiletti comes up with an interesting idea: to use search engines tools to measure the buzz generated by advertising campaigns. The idea sounds extremely interesting, since it proposes a quick mean to measure brand awareness and intent. Basically Cory says that it will be cool to measure the buzz by getting numbers from Yahoo! and Google on how many times a brand name or any other relevant word is search in a given period of time
On the forum related to the entry a lot of marketers appear to be enthusiastic about it. I share the interest for this idea but I also have some doubts concerning the actual relevance of this kind of measurement. You don't get any information about users' demographics, therefore you can't be sure you actually generated the buzz in the right target audience.
March 12, 2004
Video ads: get ready |
On The New York Times Bob Tedeschi writes about online video ads which apparently aren't perceived as "annoying" by Internet users. What is also interesting to note is that people usually watch the whole video ad, demonstrating an unusual patience in waiting for the commercial to load.
The problem is that a lot of Web publishers aren't yet prepared (and willing) to host such kind of promotional content. The risk to annoy consumers is still very high and they don't want to compromise the relationship with users.
March 11, 2004
No entries for today |
I don't feel like blogging today. Marketing & advertising are foolish topics to talk about in such a sad day. I prefer to spare my thoughts and prayers for the victims' of today terrorist attacks in Madrid. And I'm sure you're doing the same.
March 10, 2004
Umbro's new look |
Umbro has relaunched its web site with an online advertising campaign developed by Swamp. In the agency's press release, Adrian Cory, marketing director of Umbro International, explains the revamped will be "more than just a football site".
What about branded edutainment? |
Shanks Group, a waste management company based in the UK has launched an edutainment game to explain children the advantages of recycling. The Re-Cycler game, developed by Tamar is accessible from the homepage and features a cartoon character which engages children to recycle differentiating between organic, glass and metal waste.
It's an excellent idea of branded edutainment (or branded edugames). I believe more companies, especially the ones interested in the promotion of ethical issues, should seriously consider such initiatives to engage and teach children.
Do more than just watch |
In the UK they are looking for the new Tim Henman and they are using Tim Henman himself to find talented tennis players. With a new campaign developed by Folk, the Lawn Tennis Association wants to encourage teenagers to take up tennis. As explained in the press release Folk has produced a microsite, to help raise awareness about the largest national sporting event in the UK which attracted last year more than 58,000 youngster. The site will feature online games, competitions, testimonials from fans and star players, downloadable screensavers, forthcoming events and e-cards inviting friends to join you.
Mastercard: buy, text & win |
Mastercard has launched in Italy a competition connected to the European Football Championship which will take place in Portugal next June. After a purchase with the credit card, Mastercard's owners can enter the competition by texting an SMS with the first four digits of the card and the purchase authorization number. Entrants can win a travel to Portugal, digital cameras, and official Euro 2004 balls.
It's an interesting initiative to engage clients with the brand. Mastercard is investing pretty much in mobile marketing, looking to increase the loyalty of its customers rather than to acquire new clients. This is an attractive aspect to analyse. As in the online world, we see an evolution in the approach to the media: from acquisition and direct marketing, to branding, loyalty and CRM. Consolidation is in the air?
L'Or�eal winning interactivity |
Sophisticated, yet attractive and interactive. These are the main characteristics of L'Ore�al latest campaign featured as case study on iMediaConnection. Campaign insights are provided by Nurun which developed the "polite" rich media used to promote the launch of Wrinkle De-Crease, the newest skincare product by L'Or�eal. Interactivity is used to engage and entertain users as well as to inform them about the product's features.
Mini runs on Messenger (why?) |
Mini is running an online campaign targeting MSN Messenger users. On a special Italian MSN's section users can download pictures, backgrounds and special MINI emoticons. As explained on Pubblicit� Italia the campaign is online since one month, about 25000 users have visited the website and 5.500 emoticons have been downloaded. Marco Makaus, director at Mini Italia said that the brand wanted to use a stilish tool like Messenger which allows a direct and funny communication among young users.
Basically, the message is that communicating with MSN Messenger is as cool as driving a MINI. Looking at the website they have created and analysing the whole initiative I tend not to agree with MINI's branding idea. I feel like they are missing a point, what they are offering isn't very interesting and, from my perspective doesn't add anything to the brand which is indeed stilish and cool (btw I wish I had one...).
March 09, 2004
Privacy guidelines for Spanish advertisers |
The IAB Spain, which represents 90 percent of the Spanish interactive sector has released a series of guidelines to protect users' privacy online.
The recommendations can be downloaded from IAB's website.
Yahoo! is looking local |
With the launch SmartView Yahoo! is going to target the local advertising market. Thanks to the new mapping tool, it will be easier and quicker to find restaurants, movie listings and services. As Mercury News explains, there is an enormous potential market which could be worth between $20 billion and $100 billion. So let's just wait and see what MSN will do to contrast the smart move.
"Body Confidence" campaign | has just launched the "Body Confidence" campaign with the aim to build traffic to the web site. The initiative, which according to Revolution, is worth �200,000, includes radio and print advertising, as well as direct marketing and online ads.
Airlines push consumers online |
Direct mail, radio and Internet advertising, these are the tools used by airlines to push customers to their web sites. Airlines are investing a lot in online communication and as Adage reports, "some have even closed city ticket offices and reduced airport staff".
The article, by Rich Thomaselli, is great because it provides a full overview on how the airline industry is using the Web for promotion, selling and CRM.
British Red Cross' first banner |
New Media Age reports the British Red Cross has launched its first online banner campaign in order to recruit regular donors. Ads (like this) will appear, for example, on Reuters and Ebay. Also this campaign has been developed by Panlogic (read below).
Wow, these guys are hot, they should definitely hire an account project manager like me :-)
Play Export Extreme |
Panlogic has developed a brand awareness campaign for UK Trade & Investment to promote the support the government body can offer to businesses exporting and importing. As explained on Digital Bulletin the campaign features a viral game (Play Export Extreme), advertising and a contact centre which will use an integrated database to increase the effectiveness of offline efforts as well.
March 08, 2004
Online ads work for branding |
Yahoo! and Dynamic Logic have released today the results of a research that fturther demonstrate that online advertising can provide significant branding benefits to advertisers across all key branding metrics. In addition, the research illustrates that advertising on Yahoo! performed better in general in raising awareness than online advertising. Wenda Harris Millard, chief sales officer, Yahoo! comments:
"Historically, the conventional wisdom in the industry is that the primary role of Internet advertising was to drive immediate action online by the consumer, whereas the branding benefits have not been as well recognized or understood as the direct marketing advantages. This research shows that online advertising provides significant brand lift across all of the key metrics, further underscoring that online advertising should be an important component of every branding campaign and can be used stand-alone or as a complement to other forms of media."
Interesting but we need to pay attention: let's not forget where these findings come from. It remainds me of the research commissioned by the National Butchers Associations which finds out that to be healthy you need to eat meat at least four times a week...
New snack promoted online |
Pan e Cioc is the name of a new snack produced by Ferrero and promoted online with a micro-site ( and an advertising campaign on MSN Italia (look at the screenshot in pdf). The Internet campaign targets adults between 25 and 45 years old, a segment that usually have children in school age. Ferrero's main goal is to generate awareness of the product, and is using several rich media formats to deliver the message (for example Hockey Stick, Expanding banner and Overlayer). Dynamic Logic will measure the campaign's results.
March 04, 2004
Rich media: what's next? |
On iMediaconnection there's an overview of the rich media state of the art. It touches some of the controversial points of this kind of ads (what about narrowband users?) and evaluates the importance of interactivity in online advertising, as well as the secrets behind a successful rich media campaign.
Rich media ads represents only 17 percent of all online ads, but experts say the adoption isn't slow and the recent guidelines released by the IAB will surely help this segment to grow.
Tv + Web = winning combination |
Online advertising is particularly effective when combined with TV. Infopresse reports of a recent study by IAB Canada which is trying to understand the value added role that Internet advertising plays in the overall media mix.
Key findings were as follows:
For the campaign when TV and Web were used together vs. TV only there was a -
- 48% uplift in tagline association
- 16% uplift in key brand relevance metric
- 35% uplift in event sponsorship association
The Molson case study can be downloaded in PDF format.
March 03, 2004
Is Europe online yet? |
Apparently yes, according to report just release by eMarketer. They say there are about 164 millions online users in Western Europe, a number which has grown at a rate of 24.5 percent between 2000 and 2003. Broadband adoption is also growing at a good pace as well as mobile internet.
A data which really surprises me is the difference between senior men and women online. In Italy, for example, 10.6 percent of the Internet population (home users) is older than 55, well, 79 percent of these people are men and only 21 percent are women. In Germany and France the situation is almost the same. Only in the UK and Sweden things are going a little bit better. Come on girls wake up!
Actually, as a woman, I have an explanation for this... senior women have so many things to do (ie. to run an house) and therefore have no time to "loose" surfing the Web ;-)
Mobile marketing going East |
There is a yet undiscovered market for mobile marketing in Europe. It's in the so called Eastern side of the Continent, in countries like Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia, where Austrian mobile marketing firm Dimoco ( An article on the Swiss press talks about it.
I would like to add that, for what concerns Croatia a very interesting mobile marketing option might be to target tourists during summer time. There's a huge number of people from Austria, Germany, The Netherlands and, of course, Italy going there to enjoy the wonderful sea. People on vacation is usually more interested in having fun, and have more time to interact with their mobile phones and consequently, with a brand.
Tangozebra releases rich media plug-in |
Tangozebra has released a rich media plug-in for Macromedia's Flash MX software to simplify the production, delivery and tracking of both standard and rich media advertising formats. This is the second Flash MX plug-in from Tangozebra, following the successful Tangozebra Video Plugin for Flash MX released last year which made it possible to incorporate video into all its rich media ad formats.
Mobile video services will grow |
The 3G Newsroom dedicates an article today to mobile video services in Europe. They report the results of a recent report by The Yankee Group, If you read the title of the article you won't probably believe mobile video is a big deal at the moment not it will become it in the next year. But if you spend some time reading through the article you'll find the predictions actually talk about mobile video services during the next two to three years (I would rather say three to four). In 2007 the mobile video market in Western Europe will be worth almost �4 billion, less than 3 percent of all service revenue.
If you watch Tv ads at the moment in Italy you might have the impression we are living in a mobile video country. This is totally wrong. I had the chance to talk to Dario Betti, analyst at Ovum recently, and he confirmed my perception: mobile video isn't here yet. No matter if you're a user or a marketer: just don't believe what advertising in telling you :-)
Focus on Deep Focus |
Yesterday I told you about the DoubleClick online advertising awards. Today I tell you that Deep Focus has diffused a press release with interesting details concerning their award winning rich media campaign for Kill Bill vol. 1. Deep Focus' President Ian Schafer says:
""The KILL BILL campaign fortified the effects of massive amounts of television advertising by using high-impact online creative to not only prepare audiences for the enormous shock they were about to get in theaters, but to compel them to show up there and experience it in the key first weekend of release."
March 02, 2004
Doubleclick assigns the awards |
Doubleclick has announce in a press release the winners of its third annual awards assigned to recognize the best campaigns on the Internet.
Open all agencies, direct marketers, and publishers, this year's Insight Awards received over 100 campaign entries, which were presided over by industry experts from 11 organizations.
The award for "Best Online Advertising Campaign" has been assigned to Modem Media for Heineken: Hoax campaign which encouraged over 140,000 people to interact with the brand.
The award for "Best Rich Media Campaign" had two winners, American Express: Blue Cash campaign developed by Digitas New York and Miramax Films: Kill Bill vol. 1 created by Deep Focus.
In the "Best Email Marketing Campaign" category the number one has been Kinergy for its Procter & Gamble Club Olay Xmas Issue campaign.
The first prize for "Best Multi-Channel Marketing Campaign" went to Click Here for the Dr. Pepper: Raging Cow Product Launch.
A full overview of entrants and winners is on Doubleclick's website.
Bacardi launches advergames series |
In partnership with the Italian portal Tuttogratis, Bacardi Breezer has launched a series of advergames. On a Tuttogratis special section users can play and win in the "Free Spirit" competition.
Veronica Chiesa, Head of Web Marketing at Bacardi Martini said that this initiative is perfectly in line with Bacardi Breezer brand image and philosophy.
Actually the prizes aren't clearly explained, so even though the marketing initiative seams to be interesting, the communication approach can be improved.
Motorola presents Rock the Mobile Vote |
Rock the Vote has partnered with Motorola to launch Rock the Mobile Vote to engage young adults in the political process. Users who opt-in the program at will be polled and informed via sms.
Rock the Vote hopes to bring 20 million young voters to the polls in November through the program.
Profero's Child Protection campaign |
Le Journal du Net features the best UK banners of the week. The nicest is the one by Profero developed which aims to encourage children on the Internet to be aware of the risks and in particular not to give out personal contact details. To read more about the campaign go on Profero's website, or what the creative showcase.
March 01, 2004
Teenagers "Need2know" |
The British government is launching a web site ( to provide teenagers with information and advice on relationship, health, money, education and law. As Brand Republic explains, the site is already online but the promotional activity will begin this spring.
Ameritrade to launch "Last Market Hour" |
Ameritrade is targeting active traders with a new advertising campaign named "Last Market Hour". As explained in the press release, online advertising will be part of the promotion mix, with rich media ads on CBS MarketWatch and Yahoo! Finance displayed during the last hour of trading.
Chinese are in love with SMSs |
Chinese are going crazy for SMS. They sent about 15.6 billion short messages through their mobile phones during January, with a rise of 91 percent over the same period last year. Yahoo! News reports, adding that short messages are popular in China because of their low cost and efficiency, with subscribers paying on average about 0.1 yuan (0.01 US dollar) for each message.
Online advertising strikes back |
If The New York Times says it, it must be true... A new report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates that online advertising revenue in the United States increased 20 percent in 2003, to $7.2 billion.
The automotive industry, in particular, is investing hard in Internet advertising. Automakers increased the number of their advertisement 75 percent in 2003, according to Nielsen/NetRatings, while online advertisements by the telecommunications companies increased 31 percent.
More details about online advertising fighting back can be found in a press release by DoubleClick and Nielsen//Netratings to introduce the results of an inaugural joint Year in Online Advertising Report for 2003.
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