November 16, 2007
Move, don't get fat |
From Germany, a lovely campaign created by Scholz & Friends, Hamburg for the German Olympic Sport Federation. You'll better do a lot of sports... Copy says: "If you don't move, you get fat".
Continue reading... "Move, don't get fat"
October 29, 2007
Don't call and drive |
From the Czech Republic a great print campaign to promote road safety. Don't talk over the phone while you drive. Crash and Accident, the new fragrances for silly people.
(click to enlarge)
The agency is Saatchi & Saatchi Praha.
via ReklamniBlog.
August 15, 2007
The "Protect your head" campaign |
From Canada (via Freddy's blog), acampaign to raise awareness around the risks of brain injuries. The idea is to convince people to wear an helmet everytime the perform potentially risk activities, such as biking, skating, but also working in a construction site.

The website features a 3D brain that simulates what everyday social situations may be like after suffering brain injury. You can take a series of tests by answering questions or playing little games that show you how your capabilities may result affected if you don't protect your head.

I really like the approach and the tone of voice they've given to this campaign, because it touches important points to get teens' attention but, at the same time, sends out a positive message: having fun doing crazy things it's not prohibited, but remember to protect your head when you do it (see the "can I go out and play?" section).
The agency behind the site is Artistech Newmedia while the offline side of the campaign has been created by DDB Canada. If you continue reading this entry, you'll see the print ads they've created.
Continue reading... "The "Protect your head" campaign"
June 05, 2007
Say goodbye to the smelly fridge |
It's quite some time I don't post print campaigns... this time I can't avoid sharing these ads I've found on Cool0r. The agency is DDB Paris, is Brandt, a refrigerator which prevents odors to mix. I think the illustration/characters' idea is just brilliant.

Continue reading... "Say goodbye to the smelly fridge"
April 01, 2007
Ford @ America's Cup |
Simple but brilliant idea by Bassat Ogilvy (Spain) to present Ford as the sponsor of America's Cup kicking off in a few days in Valencia.
via Briefblog.
March 28, 2007
Don't play with your health |
... Check your cholesterol. Two brillant ads by McCann Portugal to support the Campaign Against the Cholesterol.

Thanks Fabio for the submission and congrats for the great work.
Continue reading... "Don't play with your health"
March 27, 2007
The Viagra Twister |
Great print ad for Viagra (Pfizer) in Mexico. Responsible agency is Ogilvy & Mather.

March 19, 2007
From cat to tiger |
Whiskas for growing kittens... simple, funny and quite effective in delivering the message. Too bad the agency was not mentioned.

February 13, 2007
Change your perspective on strong hair |
From JWT Frankfurt (via Ads of the World) a very "strong" campaign to promote Bayer Priorin, a product which increases the strenght of you hair.
Tip: if you don't get the ad, step back and watch it from a few steps away. I love the idea of an ad which challenges the perspective you look at things. It reminds a me somehow at the woman drawing often used in psichology.
January 08, 2007
When recycling becomes interior design |
From Australia, a very nice campaign by HP. It's not really about recycling old printers (I mean, it's not really environmentally friendly), but surely helps with some ideas on how to find a new application for old hardwares.

As Miel points out on his blog, they could have exploited the concept online as well, maybe launching a challenge to consumers on possible alternative placements for old printers. Good to see not all the brands always think about exploiting consumer generated content :-)
December 15, 2006
Safe birthday at Mc Donald's |
A nice campaign by TBWA\Frederick, Chile for Mc Donald's. I like the 70s style of the living room...

December 13, 2006
Happy Holiday, Charlie Brown |
Original concept and excellent execution for this campaign by H2e for the Bundesverband Tierschutz, a German association which fights for Animal Rights.
Found on Brainstorm #9 where you can find more ads belonging to the same campaign.
Continue reading... "Happy Holiday, Charlie Brown"
Playstation against obesity |
LG&F; for Bold, the Belgian Association for Obese Patients. Maybe Playstation was not enthusiastic about it, but I think it's a very nice concept, which would work even better with the new WII.
Copy says: Encourage your children to do more sport.
November 23, 2006
Smoking reduces weight
November 08, 2006
Thuringia, not just sausages
October 26, 2006
The Halloween soup
Don't cook, work
October 12, 2006
Don't be cool
October 11, 2006
Money isn't everything
October 09, 2006
One more reason to love winter
Learn English the right way
July 10, 2006
Scrabble: everything is possible
June 22, 2006
Stop racism, but change the ball
June 13, 2006
The beans' power
June 12, 2006
A sock too opaque
May 22, 2006
More than a car
May 20, 2006
You'll better use DHL
May 17, 2006
Fashion by post
May 08, 2006
Durex: happy father's day
Plan your family
April 19, 2006
Mercedes and its new airbags
April 02, 2006
The home of Lamborghini
March 24, 2006
Energizer, power for powerful toys
March 20, 2006
Harley Davidson's art-vertising
March 16, 2006
Don't take colors for granted
The Russian Opera House
March 13, 2006
Nike's art-vertising
March 12, 2006
Dog's unconditional love
March 11, 2006
Let's fight landmines
March 10, 2006
The pure spirit of Brazil
February 15, 2006
Reading Humo can have serious consequences
February 13, 2006
The bubbles!
February 07, 2006
It's swimming time
January 29, 2006
Du bist Deutschland
January 26, 2006
Gatorade power
January 23, 2006
Let the kids play
January 18, 2006
Alternative solutions
January 17, 2006
The ultra-slim mobile
January 16, 2006
The quietest vacuum cleaner
A restaurant for carnivores
January 10, 2006
Wash me
January 05, 2006
Go, before it's too late
December 30, 2005
Karate Kid school
December 22, 2005
Don't believe in fairy tales
December 20, 2005
Uneasy when it gets steep?
Can I have it like that?
December 16, 2005
Shell: keeping gears in motion
December 14, 2005
You really need to get away
December 12, 2005
Instead of a Divorce buy at Ikea
December 06, 2005
The Martini Olive Oil
December 05, 2005
People Opposing Women Abuse
November 22, 2005
Let the beast go... (again)
November 21, 2005
London, the cheap way
November 17, 2005
We don't have enough donors
November 16, 2005
Get to the point
The new Beetle, simply unforgettable
November 07, 2005
Take a walk on the wild side
November 04, 2005
Diesel Society of Nature Lovers
November 01, 2005
The new BMW X3: a nightmare
Removes those annoying bits
October 27, 2005
Basic Instint... Sharon Stone (revised)
October 26, 2005
Mercedes, The Wind Maker
October 25, 2005
LG stylish ads
October 22, 2005
Is condom advertising appropriate?
October 21, 2005
The Australian "Open"
October 20, 2005
It's just an illusion...
October 19, 2005
Beer black power
October 12, 2005
Could you be cleaner?
October 11, 2005
The Bud drunk superhero
October 09, 2005
Fire and flames
October 07, 2005
AIDS is not a present
October 06, 2005
Audi meets Escher
October 04, 2005
Campina Optimel: that's slim!
September 29, 2005
Vatican angry over new Playstation ad
September 27, 2005
Bread is life
The Slim Fast Jail
September 26, 2005
Axe and the nun
September 22, 2005
Nintendo goes shady
September 21, 2005
Nike: always on the run
Sweden to cut taxes on print advertising
September 16, 2005
Leo Burnett for Amnesty International
September 12, 2005
Leibniz, Milk & Honey
September 08, 2005
Duracell, pure power
August 24, 2005
The Economist brain
Uruguay: happy birthday Pepsi
The new Playstation is here
August 19, 2005
Pattex, since 1923
August 15, 2005
Eco bus
August 12, 2005
Trivial Pursuit: Rodman's wedding
August 11, 2005
Carrot fingers
August 10, 2005
The Hansaplast Rockstar
Pilot, the pleasure of writing
August 09, 2005
The new Golf is coming
August 03, 2005
Laundry network advertises on Playboy
Family photo
August 02, 2005
McDonald's baby food
July 27, 2005
It's just a football match
July 26, 2005
Mc Donald's french fries relay
The Axe effect: tons of ads!
July 25, 2005
BMX: ride everywhere
July 21, 2005
Aprilia, does sex sell?
July 20, 2005
Mc Donald's ethical marketing
BBC World: the news is moving
July 19, 2005
Kellogg's: your new dress
July 11, 2005
The Pentax camera and the fish
July 08, 2005
Perlana and the Black Power
Small pieces for a big ad
July 06, 2005
Land Rover like Batman
The Knorr barbecue season
July 05, 2005
Not everything is as nice
July 01, 2005
Brazil wins and makes fun
Gatorade's exhausted dogs
Doom: the insects terror
June 30, 2005
More than a newspaper
Suzuki: details create the personality
June 27, 2005
Labatt and "la fiertè quèbècoise"
Knorr: effective or disgusting?
June 22, 2005
Just the highlights
June 21, 2005
We take you back and forth
June 08, 2005
Don't cry for me Argentina
May 31, 2005
The shape of Heineken
January 10, 2005
Osama gets a new haircut
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