August 18, 2008
Online noodles marketing |
From the UK, an interesting application of online geo marketing. Wagamama, an Asian chain with over 60 restaurants in the country, is about to start its first online campaign in partnership with Multimap. Their idea is to target anyone preparing to visit an area near any of their shops. As explained on Brand Republic, a message will appear on the screen calling for people to "click here for noodles in this area". Then, on click, all the restaurants in the area will be pinpointed on the map in detail.
I very much like the idea. It's a smart way to mix geo targeted and affinity marketing.
Continue reading... "Online noodles marketing"
February 06, 2006
BMW suffers of Google death penalty |
In Germany, BMW has been trying to artificially boost the popularity ranking of its site. The mighty Google found out the automaker was cheating and apparently kicked it out of its index. As reported on several blogs, BMW has been caught employing doorway pages to attract search engines spiders. While BMW almost immediately removed the pages after the news broke (after having them live for almost 2 years), apparently it was too late. German BMW are now suffering what is known as the “Google death penalty”: a ban from almost any imaginable top search result, and a degrading of the PageRank to the lowest possible value.
December 08, 2005
Overture advertises on Google |
Something funny happened today on my Italian blog (see below).
I know it isn't really strange nor unusual, it's just curious to point out.
December 07, 2005
Keyword prices decline |
According to Fathom Online keyword prices have declined during the last year. Mediapost reports keyword prices last month averaged $1.46 per click, reflecting an 11 percent drop from the $1.64 average cost per click paid in November of 2004. Fathom found that year-to-year, the categories posting the largest declines were consumer services (29 percent), retail (25 percent), and mortgages (22 percent).
November 24, 2005
MSN, the ethical search engine |
Who said MSN is the bad guy online? In Spain, they are about to launch a project called "Buscador Solidario".
The idea is to provide users seeking information on drugs, child abuse and depression, with relevant links to charities that help fighting such problems. For example, if a surfer looks for "abuso infantil" on he will get among the very first results the link to associations like Save the children.
November 21, 2005
Google launches Onsite Advertiser Sign-up program |
Reuters reports Google has launched a new feature which will allow advertisers to sign up for AdWords ads directly on the site the want to advertise on. The feature is called "Onsite Advertiser Sign-up" and will surely advertisers looking for niche audiences. As Gary Stein, analyst at Jupiter Research points out, Google's move is a clear sign that the competition is getting fiercer in this sector, and the search engine wants to keep its existing powerful position through the AdSense program.
Also, from the Onsite Advertiser Sign-up program we can also see that adverising on niche sites such as blogs, for example, is becoming more and more important in media plans. I still haven't seen the feature in action, but I definitely look forward to see how it works.
November 07, 2005
The football search quiz by MSN |
MSN has launched an interactive quiz to promote its search engine. The idea in the "Search Supremo" campaign is to challenge users to find answers to a set of football-related questions by using the search engine.
As Netimperative points out, there is also a competition that will give away football tickets to the fastest player answering the questions.
Jim Coleman, account direct at MRM Worldwide (UK) explains: "The objective of the campaign is to drive consumers to the MSN Search site in a creative and engaging manner whilst at the same time reminding them that MSN Search delivers relevant results, fast. We believe the football themed quiz will generate a significant response."
September 24, 2005
Goodbye Mr Jeeves |
Ask Jeeves has decided to sack Mr Jeeves. They say it generates confusion over what the butler character represents. BBC News reports it is still unsure when the character will disappear from the Ask site, but it will soon stop being the brand's most prominent icon.
Basically the idea is to make clear that the search site has evolved, and it can now handle many more types of queries than just straightforward questions. Probably a new brand name will be chosen over the next months to reflect this evolution.
September 09, 2005
Marketers don't get SEM results right |
According to a new study by JupiterResearch, most companies don't get search engine marketing right, in the sense they evaluate the results in the wrong way. ClickZ reports there is a lack of measurement of business goals, with many marketers unable to tie conversions to search marketing activities.
Basically, what the research points out is that, despite its growing popularity, search engine marketing is still rather immature. Most of the times it is just a "one shot" activity, and it isn't fully integrated in the brand marketing strategy.
August 25, 2005
Is link selling legitimate? |
On his Searchblog John Battelle writes about link selling. Quoting a post on O'Reilly Radar John questions whether it's appropriate to sell text links on a popular website just to help the advertiser taking advantage of the site Page Rank popularity. Should we consider this practice as search engine spamming? The discussion is open, and opinions differ.
If you have quite a few time and you're interested in search engine advertising, you should definitely follow the debate.
August 08, 2005
Search engine advertising drives the growth |
Jupiter Research forecasts that online advertising will continue to growth in the next five years, reaching $18.9 billion in 2010, compared to $9.3 billion at the end of 2004. Search engine advertising will generate more revenue than standard display advertising by 2010. Rich media spending will grow at a 25% compound annual growth rate (to $3.5 billion) and streaming media will grow at a 30% compound annual growth rate (to $943 million) by 2010.
August 03, 2005
Mobile search and search engine marketing |
On iMediaConnection Kevin M. Ryan writes about mobile search and the appeal it should have to marketers. He also points readers to a white paper just released by OneUpWeb "Mobile search and its implications for search engine marketing" investigating the potentials of convergence. If you're trying to understand the characteristics of WAP 2.0 and mobile search marketing opportunities, the paper is a must read.
August 02, 2005
Ask Jeeves starts advertising network |
Competition is getting fiercer among in the paid search market. After Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft, now also Ask Jeeves has launched its own advertising network. As Usatoday points out, the problem is Ask Jeeves is currently a partner of Google. Some people say Google won't be happy with the move, some others think it will not care. For now, the search engine representatives just declined to comment the news.
July 16, 2005
The value of search engine marketing in Europe
July 04, 2005
MSN France and search engine advertising
June 30, 2005
Search Marketing Association UK launched
June 17, 2005
Site Targeting debuts on AdWords
June 07, 2005
Keyword prices are declining
June 02, 2005
Not all clicks are alike
May 26, 2005
SEM booming in the UK
May 24, 2005
Real estate ads move online
May 05, 2005
The soap search challenge
April 07, 2005
Italy, search engines... what?
March 15, 2005
Microsoft, the new search engine challenge
March 01, 2005
There is life beyond Google
February 24, 2005
The love search engine
January 11, 2005
Click or trick?
January 07, 2005
Search engines gossip
December 06, 2004
AdWords and clicks' frauds
July 30, 2004
Telstra's sexy keywords
July 15, 2004
Text ads work for branding
July 05, 2004
Australians search & click
January 28, 2004
MSN presents its own toolbar
January 12, 2004
Search: the future it's on the desktop
October 29, 2003
Google and the future of content targeting
Ask Jeeves is alive and well
August 26, 2003
The Role of Content-Based Advertising
August 13, 2003
Ad targeting: troubles and solution...
Quigo Launches Contextual Advertising Platform
August 04, 2003
You'll love that contextual ad
August 01, 2003
Paid Search Is 'Hot'
July 17, 2003
DealTime Launches ROI Tool
June 19, 2003
Self-service for contextual advertising
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