Pretty cool AR app for the new VW Beetle. You need to download the app and then point your smartphone/tablet at the outdoor posters to get the full experience. It’s nicely produced. The video below demonstrates this but I really wonder how many consumers will go to all that effort just to watch an ad? Read more…
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But if Volkswagen Canada has their say, beauty will be in the hand of the person who’s stealing it. At least that’s the idea behind an ongoing out-of-home campaign celebrating the launch of the 2012 Jetta. Read more…
At first sight it might look like an IKEA commercial. Instead, Page 23 is a beautiful 4 minutes short movie that describes a surreal yet real world many of us might live in. I like the photography but most of all the message that I read in the film. I might be wrong but I love the way it challenges us to look beyond our homes and our lives that are often shaped by products and advertising. Everything looks beautiful and perfect. But in the end we look all the same. Faking the reality and hiding from our own reality. Appearances can be deceptive. And advertising masters this art.
Love the budget and the production on this new site from Durex condoms - in Arabia!! What I found less appealing was the trick of using hot girls and boys tempting you to have sex with them by holding your fingers on your monitor. WTF!! How many are going to fall for that old trick? Read more…
Nihon Tetra Pak is a company that produces paper-made packages for food and beverages and they just released a new package format called TGA. To launch it and promote it, they created a website and a music video clip featuring 3 beautiful ladies singing the product benefit. The three girls look very much like famous Korean singer units.
This is the world’s most frightening experience. Over 100,000 have chickened out? IT’S THAT SCARY!! Nightmares Fear Factory in Niagara Falls. This haunted house is quite possibly the scariest haunted house in North America guaranteed to give you nitemares. These awesome photos prove it Thanks Matt Heck for the tip. Read more…
Michael is an average looking guy who plays with the PlayStation. Michael is one of us, gamers, geeks, and lovers of beautiful commercials. “Michael” a 2 minutes short movie, featuring characters from more than a dozen games that have appeared on PlayStation videogames. From Call of Duty to Assassin’s Creed (and many more!), the characters honor Michael and all the gamers out there that every day allow them to come to life, to survive, to win.
Say it.
Say it and mean it.
It’s a great word, and the only thing that stands between you and bad work with your name on it. Lately, even in digital, I have seen this letter combination become the ‘F’-word of our industry. Read more…
I was intrigued when I heard that The Vaccines had called on their fans to submit festival photos, shot, filtered and uploaded via Instagram. Since Instagram has taken iPhone photography (or iPhoneography) into the mainstream, more and more mashups feed on its API.
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