Converse Chucks have always been a creative canvas for their fans. To celebrate the opening of the Converse’s new Google+ page the sneaker brand put their favourite model up for a ‘creative hack’ competition. And agencies from around the world responded with a wide range of ideas. Read more…
Launching a product by hiding it. One can think it is audacious. Or irresponsible. The Spanish beer Senador Volstead makes it creative.
David Beckham plays Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” in this new video from Cheil USA for Samsung Galaxy:
In order to promote the Galaxy Note (a smartphone and tablet rolled into one), Samsung’s in-house agency Cheil have teamed up with Notasso, a street artist from Barcelona. Since the Galaxy Note is a good tool to create drawings, this Facebook campaign lets you create your very own ‘Notasso’. Read more…
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