The new chapter of the Bom Chicka Wah Wah campaign sees Axe partnering with Durex for a cross-promotion in Germany. The initiative is taking place now in Germany, with an online contest based on a puzzle game. Don’t expect anything special from the site, the only reason I post about this action is because of the curious partnership that, if you think about it, perfectly makes sense.
Durex is online with a new advertainment website called “The Pants Whisperer“. If you’re behind a proxy you might not be able to see it (as in my case from work). I must say I did not find it particularly entertaining and, in some cases it’s quite rude, like in the user generated video section (is it all fake or people really submitted those videos?). The Dickorations was a much better concept.
This is so good (and nasty)! If you know the agency, please comment. Via Brief Blog.
Check out this viral video by Durex and Humo (a Belgian magazine). It’s brilliant!
Here you find three ads created by McCann Erickson Communication House for Durex condoms. The first is brilliant and, as it’s easy to understand, it was created for a campaign running in December.
Marketing condoms is not an easy job. The target is young and therefore it’s difficult to get its attention, furthermore the product is “delicate”, because of ethics and religion. Trojan did great last year creating the award winning viral campaign “Sex Olympics“, now Durex is trying to do something as innovative buying advertising spaces in podcasts. Advertising Age explains the decision allows Durex to directly connect with its target, which is represented by people who spend more time online than watching Tv. Furthermore the solution sounds pretty inexpensive and, most of all, it enables Durex to avoid FCC strict regulations about what you can and cannot show/say when promoting condoms.
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