Luxury brands, Chanel, Hermes and Louis Vuitton in particular, rock with online storytelling. Check out for example the impressive digital portfolio filled with all the content that the brand directed by Marc Jacobs created in 2012. Read more…
Louis Vuitton pays homage to Muhammad Ali featuring his greatest quotes in two poetic videos directed by Stuart McIntyre. The amazing storyteller is Yasiin Bey, American actor, rapper and MC that some of you might remember also in the role of Brother Sam in Dexter. Beautiful stuff, very inspiring. Read more…
Even if I would say I already master the art of packing given the amount of travel I’ve been going through this year, I can’t help loving this interactive experience by Louis Vuitton. What a great way to present not only its luggage collection but also the wide range of apparel, shoes and accessories produced by the French luxury brand. Read more…
Louis Vuitton has recently launched a series of short films to capture the essence of different cities across the globe and connect with its female consumers. Gender is the lens used to interpret each city’s identity, so in the first episode, for example, Hong Kong is presented as it was a woman, portrayed through some local interesting women such as an architect, a model, a composer, a journalist and a few more other people. Read more…
On September 21st Louis Vuitton will publish a book on Art and Creation. It will cover fashion, art an architecture (and it is already in my shopping cart). Given the kind of readers this book wants to appeal, what is better than a promotional animated book trailer animated by a young artist?
The video by Camille Scherrer is beautiful, sweet and simple I would say. But what I really like is the fact that they thought about the best way to get the word out in the creative community. Use the video, talk their same language, the visual language their are used to. Think about something that is easy to share, tweet, embed. I love smart marketers, especially when you realize they haven’t done anything special nor new, they thought before acting.
Even if the Louis Vuitton campaign shot by Annie Leibovitz, has been around for almost a year now, it’s interesting to look at Web side of it. Via The FWA, I’ve just discovered the site the luxury brand has dedicated to the “journeys” featured in its print shots.
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