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Tag archives: online marketing

Panasonic VS3: what a bad example

on July 4, 2005 by Martina Comments

Panasonic has launched a pan-European campaign to promote its new VS3 phone. A micro-site with an advergame represent the core of an online activity which absolutely needs some usability and strategy lessons. The site at is nothing more than an homepage with a few animations and a link (not easy to notice) to the advergame. The game has a nice graphic with a retro style but isn’t exactly entertaining. The navigation on the site is difficult and lacks of possibilities, also because content is absolutely not the king: no deep information is provided on the phone, just just a couple of text lines in the top left part of the page. If you want to find out more about the phone you are redirected to the Panasonic homepage (!!!) where you have to find by yourself the way to the detailed info.

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MMS postcard offered by Lastminute

on July 1, 2005 by Martina Comments has partnered with Mobycards to enable users sending personalised postcards to their friends from the MMS pictures taken during the holidays. Netimperative explains the service costs 2.5 pounds and holiday makers will be able to send post cards to any address in the UK just texting the MMS to a special number.

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Movistar hacks the “m” on Messenger

on July 1, 2005 by Martina Comments

Apparently, if you’re in Spain and use MSN Messenger, everytime you type “M” in the chat box the Movistar logo magically appears, as shown below. [news via Ninjamarketing // AdLand]

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Orangina: where’s the fire?

on June 9, 2005 by Martina Comments

Patrick has a post about the Orangina Fire & Ice online marketing campaign in France. He reports the homepage has been branded with the Orangina colors (I can’t see it, maybe it’s due to my IP or the initiative was online only yesterday), furthermore he points us to the micro-site created for the campaign. Despite the kind of product (a soft drink) don’t expect anything special: a bunch of radio spots to listen, three wallpapers to download and a silly competition.

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Peugeot prepares online push the UK

on June 2, 2005 by Martina Comments

E3 is going to create an online campaign to promote Peugeot new diesel engines. Netimperative reports the effort will debut in July, with a micro-site to support the offline marketing activities. As Matt Ramsay, director at E3 explained, Peugeot’s idea is to engage potential customers from an emotional perspective, not limiting the engine choice to a rational decision. E3 has been recently appointed by Peugeot and will take a share of the company’s £1.5 million digital marketing account.

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Wine company starts podcasting

on May 26, 2005 by Martina Comments

Random Culture blogs about Centennial Fine Wine & Spirits, a Dallas based chain of liquor stores, who has decided to start podcasting. The first podcast is an interview explaining “How to find the right wine”. Wine companies usually appear to be kind of old-stylish in their marketing approach, but this initiative clearly explains that no matter what’s the product your’re selling, you can be smart in any case. If you’re interested in podcasting, BusinessWeek has an interesting series of articles on the topic.

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Big brands not so smart online

on May 5, 2005 by Martina Comments

Online advertising is perceived as important, but only a few brands do their best using new media channels. New Media Age (reg. req.) reports about a study by OgilvyInteractive, which surveyed big brands asking them to rate their performance with online marketing. Most of the surveyed marketers acknowledged they have to improve their online effort, finding a better integration with existing channels.

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Peugeot 206: “Sweet Years”, sad ideas

on April 15, 2005 by Martina Comments

Euro RSCG 4D has created an online push for the new Peugeot 206 Sweet Years edition. A micro-site supports the Tv campaign recreating an atmosphere inspired to the ’70 and Starsky & Hutch in particular. The site is nothing special, also because it is focused on the testimonial, Christian Vieri, a football player, not exactly a winning symbol. They could have done the promotion much better since also the draw which gives away Sweet Years t-shirts isn’t really something exciting.

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IAB Spain: the best online ads on a DVD

on April 15, 2005 by Martina Comments

In an effort to push the use of online advertising, IAB Spain has created a DVD with the best Spanish and international interactive ads. Diario Ipmark (in Spanish) explains the DVD also features a wide range of examples of online creativity, even if not directly linked to advertising. The idea is to promote the use of online ads, but also to take advantage of Internet communication to connect with consumers, expressing creativity in an innovative way.

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MSN Messenger, new opportunities for advertisers

on April 11, 2005 by Martina Comments

MSN has announced the 7.0 version of its IM application Messenger and a new service called MSN Spaces through which millions of consumers can share their stories with their friends and family or the entire world. The advertising opportunities offered by the application appear to be particularly attractive. MSN has announced Volvo Cars North America will be the first to run a campaign on MSN Spaces, trying to take advantage of a deeper brand integration through a rather unobtrusive channel. Also Adidas and Sprite have chosen MSN Messenger to make users experience their branded content. Sprite has created “The Scenario” a branded online entertainment experience designed for teens, while Adidas offers branded theme packs to promote its newly launched Adidas_1 Show.

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